Chapter 10 | New Crush?

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"But I don't want you to go."

"It's only for a week."

"But I'll miss you."

"We can still text and call."

Zander grumbled in response, his eyes flickering towards the ground as he tightened his grip on his textbook.

"Hey," Luke murmured, cupping Zander's cheek with his hand, "I don't like that they moved it to California either, but it's only a week."

Zander glanced back up, gazing into his lover's eyes, "You'll be back in time for our 8-month-anniversary?"

Luke weakly smiled, slowly nodding, "Of course I will."

"Don't worry, Zander!" A navy-haired girl chimed in, "I'll take good care of him! I'll make sure he doesn't do anything silly," Stacy giggled, exchanging a glance with her auburn-haired friend.

Zander gave an awkward laugh in response. He didn't love the fact his boyfriend and a girl who used to like him would be alone together for an entire week, but Zander knew he had to work past his jealousy issues, and he trusted Luke.

"Just..." The pianist uttered, his tone filled with slight concern, "Be careful, okay? Surfing can be dangerous..."

Luke let out a breathless laugh, "Of course I will, and I'm a pretty experienced surfer, remember?"

"I'll make sure to bring him back in one piece," Stacy joked, a bright grin plastered across her face.


The three teens lightly jumped at the sudden voice, turning to see none other than Hailey's childhood friend.

"Oh, um, hi," Luke stammered, "Kingsley, right? I believe we met yesterday at the cafe."

"Yes! That's me!" Kingsley beamed, "Although I don't think I got a proper introduction as to who you were."

"Luke," The drummer grinned.

"I'm Stacy!" The girl cheerfully exclaimed, "I wasn't there yesterday, but I'm a good friend of Luke's. Nice to meet you!"

"You as well," The violinist spoke, attempting to match her delighted tone. He then turned towards Zander, the same smile on his face, "Zander, correct? Hailey told me a bit about you, and I believe we had a small friendly conversation regarding classical music yesterday?"

"Yeah," Zander responded, "You are... Insanely good-looking..." He murmured.

The awkward tension spread so quickly you could practically hear it. Because of that, Zander realized his comment, his face shooting beat red, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud-"

Kingsley laughed in response, "Don't worry about it, I appreciate the compliment, besides, you aren't too bad yourself," He said, giving a small wink, only causing Zander's face to further darken.

"He also has a boyfriend," Stacy scoffed, getting slightly defensive over her best friend as she showed an angry tone she rarely did. 

(Stacy getting platonically protective over Luke gives me a new reason to live)

"Oh, no need to worry about me," Kingsley chuckled, "I prefer girls, but it is fun to flirt lightly sometimes."

"Anyways, why are you here? I don't believe you go to our school." Luke asked, showing a clear disliking towards the current topic.

"Oh, I actually came looking for Hailey!" Kingsley explained, his smile widening, "Do you guys know where she might be?"

"She'll probably be at her locker. Try checking the hallway left from the office." Zander directed, still flustered from the incident moments earlier.

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