Chapter 15 | A Good Day Turned Into Something Tragic

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A peach-haired teenager stared out his bedroom window, dropping his phone in utter shock, completely stunned from the news he was being given.

The pale moonlight reflecting off the side of his face, the stars twinkling in the reflection of the glass, as a single tear rolled down Jake's cheek, dropping onto the ground.

The voice on the other end of the phone called out to him, though he couldn't make out the words. His mind felt... Empty. He simply couldn't focus on anything.

More and more tears flooded his eyes, and soon enough, he was bawling.

Meanwhile, in California, his good friend was having the time of her life...

"Hey! Kingsley!" Hailey squealed, as the mentioned boy splashed a small amount of water on her.

He laughed in response, only to be squirted with water himself. "Gah!"

"Payback," Hailey winked, softly laughing to herself as she did so.

(I'm not very educated on surfing competitions, so I apologize if anything is inaccurate)

The third and final day of the competition. The beach had mainly cleared out by now, considering how late it was, the remaining people either helping take everything down, or messing around in the water, Kingsley, and Hailey being part of the latter group.

The two stood in one of the more shallow parts of the shore, the tide reaching their lower legs. They were rather childishly splashing water at each other.

Kingsley hit Hailey with a rather large splash, causing the girl to shriek, her upper body getting soaked with water.

"Oh, you are so dead!" She exclaimed, beginning to chase Kingsley deeper into the ocean, the water creating quite an obstacle, while the two couldn't stop giggling.

Eventually, Hailey got close enough to Kingsley, so much so that she jumped onto him, tackling them both into the freezing cold ocean.

Dunking his head above water, Kingsley let out a mixture of a laugh, a scoff, and a gasp, a large grin on his face, "Oh my God! I just splashed you, you didn't need to completely give me hypothermia!"

"Oh, calm down," Hailey said, rolling her eyes as she stood up, "So overdramatic, Patel. Although, I will admit, the water is atrociously cold," She held out a hand, offering to help up her friend.

Kingsley took it, however instead of using it to hoist himself up, he pulled Hailey back into the water, the large splash of water from her impact splashing onto him.

"You're the worst!" Hailey exclaimed once her head was back above water. She wiped her face in a futile attempt to dry it.

"Hey! Hailey, Kingsley!"

Still sitting in the shallow water, the pair glanced at the shore, seeing Stacy and Luke holding their boards, looking back at them.

"Stacy and I were gonna hang out by the plaza down at the town square a bit before we went back to our hotel. We heard they were gonna set off some fireworks there, you guys wanna come?" Luke asked, his voice slightly muffled by the waves, though still quite audible.

Kingsley and Hailey glanced at each other, before the latter responded to the surfer duo, "Sure!" Looking down at her soaking clothing, Hailey added, "We might need to stop for a change of clothes, though..." She chuckled, gesturing towards her and Kingsley.

Once Kingsley and Hailey had exited the water, the four made their way off the beach, before being stopped by a certain red-haired girl.

"Wait up!" Jogging up to them, Amani held her surfboard under one of her arms, the other one in the air, as if to catch the attention of the others. Stopped in front of them, Amani lightly panted, out of breath from her running. Once she was calmer, she spoke up, "I just wanted to say, good job, Stacy." She said, gesturing towards the shiny gold metal, barely visible in the dim moonlight, that hung around Stacy's neck.

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