Chapter 19 | The Other Side Of Him

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"In another life, I would be your girl~"

A navy girl softly hummed the lyrics to the song, being comfortable singing in the empty hallway.

She reached to get her textbook, her height creating quite an obstacle.

Finally, she was able to grab it- well, technically, she pulled the bottom and the textbook fell out of her locker and only the hallway ground. Regardless, she could now get it, and get to the student lounge to start her studying. Most days, she and Luke would walk home together. She could tell it bothered Zander a bit, but he was getting more fond of her. They were becoming friends. After months of working hard to gain her best friend's boyfriend's trust, she was getting there.

Luke had practice now, though, so she decided to work on a couple late assignments in the meantime. It was only a week until summer break, so she really needed to get them finished.

Turning around, she was about to close her locker, though paused. Her eyes trailed to the photo hung on her locker door. It was of Luke, during last year's surfing competition. She had put it there when her crush on him was hitting a more major state, and had just never taken it down.

She smiled, taking in a deep breath, and letting out a small sigh.

"Hi, Stacy."

Startled, she yelped, spinning around to be met with none other than Hailey's childhood best friend, though Stacy recognized her as the brother of "the spoiled little gremlin", which was a nickname she had given Amani in her head.

She wasn't sure why, but this guy gave her a terrible feeling. Ever since their first encounter together, when Kingsley was flirting with Zander. Luke was upset, really upset. He hid it well, but Stacy knew his angry habits.

He made Luke upset, and that infuriated Stacy beyond anyone's understanding.

"Oh, you," She coldly spat, "Nice to see you again."

Smirking, Kingsley quipped back, "Likewise." Clearly his throat, he began, "So, Stacy, I need your help."

Curiously, Stacy tilted her head, "Oh, how so?"

Kingsley sniffed, and it was then Stacy got a good look at his eyes. Bloodshot, red and puffy. He had been crying.

"Woah, are you okay?" Stacy asked, genuine concern brimming her voice, the reserved, intimidating persona she was going for quickly vanishing, "You look like you cried."

"I'm fine," Kingsley quickly snapped back, rubbing his eyes. Readjusting himself, he straightened out his magenta jacket. "So, you're friends with Luke, right?"


"And he's good friends with Jake, correct?"

"I suppose..." Stacy spoke, her voice faltered. She wasn't sure where this conversation was going, all she knew was that she wanted to leave it.

"I just want you to find out if Jake has a crush on Hailey," Kingsley responded, his tone seeming fairly monotone, given what he was asking, "Maybe ask Luke some questions, do a bit of digging," He elaborated, examining his nails, which Stacy noted were sharp and painted white.

"Why?" Stacy snarled, "That's none of my business and it shouldn't be hurt."

"I just wanna protect Hailey!" Kingsley defensively shot back, "If Jake doesn't like her, I have to stop her from doing something stupid that'll result in her getting heartbroken!"

Stacy contemplated it for a moment, though she quickly decided not to, and growled, "Do it yourself."

She was ready to leave, though a hand suddenly slammed next to her, and next thing she knew, Kingsley had her pinned against the locker.

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