Alternate Ending (Jailey)

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"Hey, Jake?"

My voice catches his attention, and he turns to look at me.

"Hails," He utters, slightly confused by my presence. "Hey, what's up?"

It was just then I noticed Drew, standing next to him, his hand on Jake's arm.

"I wanted to talk to you," My voice came out a lot more shy and meek than intended. My eyes then lock onto Drew's, and I can tell he isn't too pleased with me being there. "Alone..." I add, causing Drew's scowl to deepen.

They exchange a small glance, before Drew hesitantly looks back at me, then walks away, disappearing around the corner.

Once he's gone, I step closer to Jake, leaning against the side of the building.

I gaze up at him, though his face is barely visible in the dark. I'm able to make out his hazel eyes, which gently dawdle to the grassy ground. The few stars in the sky almost light them up, making them seem brighter than ever.

Just as I'm about to break the silence, he beats me to it.

"Hailey, listen," He starts, still avoiding my eyes, "About what happened at prom... I'm sorry... It was wrong of me to punch Kingsley."

I gape back at him in surprise. I certainly didn't expect him to apologize. And not to me, of all people. My childhood best friend is the one with a broken nose.

"Oh, uh, it's fine, I guess," I mumble, not entirely sure how to respond. "I mean, he did kind of egg you on. But really, you should be apologizing to him, if anyone."

Jake lets out a sigh, turning away from me, "Yeah, I know. It's just... Difficult, to have to suck up my pride."

A slight smile at that, "Of course, I mean, you're the great and noble Jake."

He rolls his eyes with a smirk on his face, "Oh, shut up," He chuckles, giving me a playful shove. He keeps staring at me, although his smile is replaced by an almost hesitant look. Eventually, he goes on, "Actually, speaking of Kingsley, I didn't know you two were a thing." He falters, speaking each word slowly, watching carefully for my reaction.

My jaw slightly swings open, and it takes me a moment to process, before managing out some words, "Oh, actually, we aren't- no, that was just- no, we-" I'm embarrassed by how much I'm stuttering, and as a result, it seems to further confirm his thoughts that I like Kingsley.


"No, I'm serious!" I exclaim, perhaps a bit too desperately, "I don't like him like that! He's just a friend to me. Besides, my feelings for someone else are much stronger," With a small laugh, I add on, "Besides, I'm pretty sure he's thinking of asking Liam out, anyway."

Jake raises his eyebrows in surprise, slightly pursing his lips, "Oh." He then awkwardly grins, "Sorry, I just saw you two hugging backstage, I guess I kind of assumed. That was my bad."

"It's fine, I can understand where you're coming from." My smile fades, being replaced by a much more serious expression. I grab the letter, handing it to him.

I can feel my heart speeding up as I reach for the envelope, clutching onto it.

"Hey, so, um," I pulled it out of my pocket, revealing it to Jake, "I've been meaning to give you this."

I hold it out to him, and Jake stares at me for a moment, before looking back at the letter, taking it from me.

An awful silence follows, accompanied with the sound of the envelope crinkling as Jake opens it.

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