Chapter 11 | Airport Talks And Jealousy

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(Jake's POV)

I want what they have.

Zander and Luke, curled up in each other's arms, I want that. I want that with my loved one.

"I love you," Zander murmured, pulling away from their embrace, "Stay safe, okay?"

Luke smiled back, pecking Zander's cheek, "I will, I love you too."

"I don't wanna ruin the moment," Stacy chirped, "But, uh, Luke, our flight's about to leave."

Luke gazed around at us, grinning, "Bye, guys!"

He and Stacy then disappeared down the hall, on their way to board their flight.

"Have a safe flight!" Hailey called out after them.

I glance next to me, where Drew's standing. He's watching Stacy and Luke leave, not having anything else to pay attention to.

Hailey walks up to us, standing next to me. "You guys wanna hang out after this?" She asks.

I glance at Drew, waiting for him to respond. I basically dragged him to the airport with me, I don't wanna force him to hang out with the others.

"Sure," He shrugged, his gaze shifting towards his feet.

"I got Starbucks!"

*God, I know that voice. And I dread who it belongs to.*

Kingsley. There was something about him that just got on my nerves. Does it have anything to do with my crush? Most likely, but that's beside the point.

Something about him is off. He just shows up out of nowhere, and he seems so close with Hailey, despite her never mentioning him before.

He's rich, handsome, nice, and charming.

Nobody's that perfect.

"As requested, Drew, I got you a black coffee, and Hailey, you a mocha espresso," Kingsley said, taking the drinks out of the drinks tray and handing them to my friends.

"Thanks, man," Drew smiled, taking a sip of his coffee as he gave Kingsley a small smile.

"Yeah, thank you!" Hailey beamed.

*Gosh, why do I feel so jealous? I know I shouldn't.*

Kingsley returned their smiles, before turning to me, locking his ice-cold rose pink eyes onto mine.

"Sorry, Jake! I would've gotten you something, but you were in the bathroom when I took everyone's orders!" That fake smile. That over-exaggerated tone. I can see right through him.

"Yeah, no problem." I find myself gritting my teeth.

"You know, Kingsley actually sings, just like you, Jake!" Hailey exclaims, looking up at me.

He sings too? Just great.

"Y-you do?" I stammer.

"Ah- well- I don't enjoy talking about it much," Kingsley murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck, "But, I suppose I can. I mean, while I definitely prefer the violin, I do sing sometimes." He looks back up on me, "You know, maybe we can duet together sometime!"

"Yeah, maybe." I spit back, trying to hide the frustration in my voice. I don't think I'm doing a very good job.

"Hey, maybe Hailey can compare you guys to see which one of you sings better," Drew suggests, followed by a soft chuckle. I know he's joking but I really hated that comment.

"Yeah," Hailey laughs, "I actually haven't heard Kingsley sing yet, so that'll be interesting," She remarks, giving a teasing smirk to Kingsley.

"Hey, I don't wanna embarrass myself!" He giggles, "I could never sing as beautifully as you!" He covers his face with his hands, peeking out one of his eyes to look at Hailey.

"H-hey!" Hailey stuttered, her cheeks darkening. I couldn't tell if she was blushing or was just embarrassed.

I can see Drew side-eying Zander, who's still at the gate, staring down at his phone.

Drew then glances back at us, "Hey, I'm gonna go check on Zander, I'll be right back."

I watch Drew walk away from us, then turn back to Kingsley and Hailey, who are whispering and giggling to each other about something.

I briefly look at Drew, who's chatting it away with Zander.

Reaching for the envelope in my left pocket, I sigh, gently caressing the paper.

A love letter, for the one I had fallen for. To think I had a chance was silly.


(Third Person POV)


Glancing up from his phone, Zander saw the magenta-haired boy in front of him.

"Oh, hey Drew." He uttered, staring back down at his device.

A brief silence was exchanged, before Drew spoke up again, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just texting Luke," Zander explained, his eyes still glued to the device he held, "I wanna make sure he gets on the plane safely."

"Hm, that's sweet." Drew hummed, lightly nodding his head. "You know, it's red flags like those that I should've noticed far earlier in Zoey and I's relationship. She never once texted me to make sure I was okay."

"Oh," Zander softly said, "Um, I'm really sorry things didn't work out between you two."

"It's fine," Drew casually responded, "She still wants to be friends, and I do eventually, just not yet since I'm still kind of moving on. But I do think we're a lot better off as friends." Despite the breakup being rather recent, Zoey and Drew both seemed to be healing quickly and well, both of them now developing crushes on other people. Glancing back at Zander, Drew continued, "But, you know, next time I have a partner who texts me to make sure I'm safe, I'll know they're a keeper."

Zander, unsure how to respond, looked back down at his phone screen. "Um, thanks, I guess."

Drew, slightly annoyed at his failed attempt at an ice-breaker, decided to try another one, "So, uh, what do you think of Kingsley?"

"He seems nice," Zander muttered, his attention clearly directed at his phone.

"Do you know how he knows Hailey?" Drew mused.

"I believe she mentioned they were friends in elementary school," Zander said, his tone coming out in a deep breath.

Drew nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. "So... You're okay with Luke and Stacy being alone together for an entire week?"

"Why wouldn't I be?!" Zander defensively snapped back, a little too quickly as he shot his head up to look at Drew.

"I thought you'd be a bit bothered, considering the fact Stacy used to like him," Drew replied, gently tapping his finger against the paper cup that held his drink, "I probably wouldn't be too happy if I was in your shoes, so it's pretty mature that you're okay with it."

Zander slightly narrowed his eyes, a sparkle of hesitance twinkling in his violet orbs, "How did you know that?" He faltered.

"We're high schoolers," Drew scoffed, "Word spreads quickly."

Zander was quiet for a moment, before he mumbled, "I don't know what you're trying to bring on, or what point you're trying to prove, but yeah, I'm fine with it."

"That's good," Drew murmured back, and that same silence the two had grown so familiar with had taken over once again.

Without thinking, Drew then blurted out, "Can you help me confess to him?"


Sorry the more recent chapters have been a bit boring and uneventful, I need a lot of filler chapters to develop the characters a bit more before I hit the next major plot point.

Despite that, tysm for reading! Until next time, bye!

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