Side Chapter | The Brat And The Loner

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A/N: This chapter focuses on the ship Sadie x Zoey. If you don't ship it, feel free to skip it, since this chapter isn't really relevant to the plot ^^

Letting out a large exhale, Sadie nervously fidgeted as she waited under the large tree.

The tree her secret admirer wanted to meet her at.

There was nothing special about the tree, it was just a normal tree. Surrounded by a bunch of other normal trees. She wasn't sure why her admirer had chosen this tree.

Quite frankly, she was convinced this secret admirer was a joke. She had no friends outside of the student council, and even then, she was only really close with Zoey and Daisy.

Who would wanna write a letter to her? She was a freak, the quiet kid, nobody dared talk to her, they were scared of her.

Because of all this time spent alone, Sadie had closed off her emotions, building a wall to protect herself, and she never dared to let anyone in.

Until Zoey came along.

Sadie lived in a world of darkness. Zoey brought light into that world.

Sadie had allowed herself to have two crushes in the past; Luke and Liam. She had pushed those feelings away, knowing she had no chance, she was invisible to them.

But Zoey was different.

Zoey saw Sadie. Zoey noticed her, not only that, but she admired her, as well.

Sadie had the honour of watching and helping Zoey grow as a person, throughout her months of trying to improve herself. Zoey then began to show a new side of her, a much more sweet, compassionate side, far different from that popular, mean girl she was at the start of the year. Seeing that new side of Zoey was what called Sadie fall for her in the first place.

Sadie was deep in love. There was no denying the fact. She was ready to give Zoey her heart. Only, of course, if Zoey felt the same.

"Hey," Sadie slightly jumped, hearing someone tap her shoulder. Spinning around, she was met with none other than Zoey's bright smile.

"Oh, Zoey, it's you," Sadie sighed, placing a hand on her heart. She thought for a moment, before letting out a small laugh, something she barely did, "Ironic how I'm usually the one startling you, huh?"

"Yeah, you're right," Zoey agreed, joining in on the soft laughter.

Clearing her throat, Sadie readjusted her collar, trying to keep her usual serious composure, "Anyways, what are you doing here?"

A blush crossed the blonde's face, as she shyly averted her gaze to the ground, nervously rubbing her arm, "O-oh, um... Right..." She then reached into her back pocket, pulling out what appeared to be an envelope. Awkwardly handing it to Sadie, she murmured, "I wanted to give this to you..."

Sadie's eyes slightly widened, though she took the envelope, opening it. She pulled out and unfolded a lined paper, with several lines written on it. Immediately, Sadie took note of the unique, bright purple ink the letter was written with, a colour that had become familiar to her since beginning to receive these mysterious letters. Added to the fact the handwriting was cursive, Sadie was certain her admirer had written it.

But Zoey had given her the envelope... Does that mean...

No, Sadie couldn't get her hopes up. Instead, her eyes scanned across the words, taking in the fairly short paragraph.

"7 letters, we've made it to the end
I'm so excited yet nervous to finally reveal my identity to you, but I get to see your gorgeous face in person once again, so it's definitely worth it
Through the months, we've grown closer together. You've said you dream to build a future with someone someday.
I wanna be that someone.
That being said, Sadie Whittaker, will you go on a date with me?"

At the end of the letter, instead of it being signed by "Anonymous" it was signed by Zoey.

Sadie's face reddened, and all she wanted to do in that moment was run into Zoey's arms, and express the feelings she had kept bottled up.

But she didn't.

She felt so many emotions then, and as hard as Sadie tried to fight it, anger was the one that took charge of her mind. Sadie was in denial, and with that denial, came anger.

"Is this supposed to be... Some sort of joke?"

Zoey blinked, and her sweet, shy expression quickly shifted into confusion, with a definite hint of sadness. "W-what?"

"I mean you don't-" Realizing she had significantly raised her voice, Sadie stopped herself, speaking back in the soft, raspy whisper she often did, "I mean... You're not being serious, right? Come on, Zoey, you're amazing, I'm just... Pathetic."

"No you aren't!" The lime-eyed girl quickly exclaimed, "You're so perfect in every way, Sadie! You're sarcastic, funny, witty, smart, and so much more!" She grinned, "I promise, I'm not joking, I've meant every single word of all my letters!"

Taking a moment to think, Sadie eventually faltered, "Really?"

"Yes!" Zoey beamed, "I like you, Sadie! A lot!"

Sadie couldn't fight back the smile on her face. Her magenta eyes lightened, as her shoulders tensed up- not in a bad way, she was happy, "I like you a lot, too!" She let out the phrase in a laugh, "Of course I'll go on a date with you!"

The two girls exchanged more joyous laughter, before Zoey pulled Sadie into a hug.

Sadie hugged back, though a slightly concerned look crossed her face. "I don't know if I'll be ready to date for a little while. This is my first relationship anyway, so it'll be a little while until I'll be ready for us to be official, is that okay?"

"Yes! Of course!" Zoey assured, still holding Sadie close, "Whatever we're both comfortable with!"

Sadie gently smirked, fluttered her eyes shut as she rested her chin on Zoey's shoulder.

A thought then crossed Sadie's mind, and she couldn't help but ask the question, "I have to ask, why did you choose this spot to confess? Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy, but-"

"This spot is boring and basic? Nothing special about it?" Zoey interrupted. She continued before Sadie could answer, "Yeah, maybe to you it's nothing romantic, but it means a lot to me. At the beginning of sophomore year, I saw you sitting under this tree reading," She explained, "I just remember thinking you were so beautiful. It wasn't until we became friends where I started thinking about that first time I saw you."

Pulling out of their embrace so their eyes met, Sadie cooed, "That's so sweet, Zoey!"

"You'll never understand how jealous I was of your hair back then," Zoey giggled, "Seriously though, how did you grow it so long! And it's so soft!" her voice shifted to a whine, though the giant grin on her face indicated she was still joking.

Wanting to hug Zoey once again, Sadie mumbled, "Come here."

The girls hugged each other once again, grateful to finally be in each other's arms.

Who knew the brat and the loner would manage to find and fall in love with each other?


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