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"Yeah, I have like, a crap ton of mail."

A peach-haired boy entered his apartment, his head tilted, as he held his phone between his ear and shoulder. His hands were occupied with his briefcase, and a handful of envelopes and magazines.

"Maybe that's because you haven't checked in five months," His boyfriend snorted from the other line.

"Hey! It's only been four!" Jake quickly retaliated, a small grin on his face.

He tossed his bag somewhere on the floor, putting the pile of papers on his desk.

"So, only one more month, then you'll finally be graduating college, huh?" Jake spoke, attempting to start a conversation as he collapsed down in his chair.

"Yeah. I mean, it does kind of suck that I have to go to school for so much longer, but I think this job is worth it." Drew replied. "I'm really happy to be going home soon."

"Gosh, I can't wait to see you again!" Jake exclaimed, his tone filled with excitement, "Once you come back to Rosemeadow, I'm gonna take you on so many dates."

"Can't wait," Drew giggled back.

There was a brief silence.



"I love you."

Jake's face melted into a sweet, crooked smile. He put his arm down on the desk, squishing his face against his hand. "I love you too."

"Well, I have some studying to do. You know, with finals coming up," Drew explained, "I'll talk to you later."

"Alright," Jake exhaled, slightly upset their moment had ended, "Bye!" He beamed, before hearing the ding that indicated the call had been hung up.

Jake sighed, putting his phone down on the desk. Having nothing else to do, he picked up his pile of unopened mail, and began looking through it.

He had gone through about half the pile- the majority of which had ended up in the trash- before something caught his eye.

It was a normal looking envelope, nothing really special about it. The stamp in the top right corner was of the statue of liberty. In the middle was his own name and address.

And in the other corner was the name of his sender. It was that that had caught his attention.

Hailey Austin
8248 Roosevelt Street
Brooklyn, NY 10024

(Just a random address lmao)

Hailey Austin.

His eyes widened at the name, recalling the girl he had shared his high school years with.

Why was she reaching out to him? It had been ages since the two had last spoken. They had lost contact after Hailey transferred to Maple Hills Arts Academy. Although, he had heard from quite a few people that her career was starting to kick off.

Jake stared at the envelope for quite some time, debating whether to open it or not. His eyes scanned over the words, reading her name, over and over again. What did Hailey have to say to him?

Finally, he flipped over the envelope. On the front side, it was stuck shut with a small, light pink heart-shaped sticker. Hesitantly, he tore it open, pulling out a lined paper, filled with Hailey's neat, cursive-like hand-writing. He could still recognize it from the letters she had sent him in high school.

There was still something else in the envelope. Something bright and colorful. He carefully put down the letter, then grabbed the other item in the envelope.

It was a torn-out magazine cover, for a popular magazine called "The Next Big Musician."

(Very old edit so it kinda sucks, lmao)

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(Very old edit so it kinda sucks, lmao)

Jake's eyes grew wider the longer he stared at the image. Perhaps the rumors he heard were true, and Hailey's career was turning out amazing.

He had always had faith Hailey would pursue her passion and end up famous, anyway. Who knew Kingsley would be by her side? Regardless, he was happy for her. She was living her dream.

Jake decided to read the note Hailey had provided. He adjusted his position in his chair. Then, he held the letter out in front of him, and began to read.

Dear Jake,

Hey, it's been a while, huh?

What, six years now?

I don't know if you heard, but... I made it! In the music industry, I mean.

I wrote one hit song- well, technically, Kingsley and I wrote it, but it completely blew up! We're getting so many interviews, and we have an album in the works! My agent, Jonathan, says this is the only beginning of something huge in the history of music!

Everything is so perfect for me right now. My only wish is that you and the rest of our high school band were on stage next to me.

Speaking of the band, actually... Luke got engaged! He asked me to perform a song he wrote for his future spouse at the wedding! He's also a marine biologist now, which suits him really well.

Milly's a radio personality now. Which I only know because I constantly hear her on the radio. It's quite a fitting job for her, actually. Her and Elliot have broken up, like, four times, but they're back together now- I think?

Zander's a stockbroker, but he just got a part time job at a jazz club to perform there. He seems to really enjoy it.

I haven't heard from Sean in a while, but Luke told me he's made it as a recording engineer. It's nice to know he's still into song making.

That's enough about me and them, though. How are you doing, Jake? How's Drew?

Have you kept in touch with anyone from high school?

I'm not entirely sure you'll ever receive this letter, since I don't even know if I wrote the address correctly. But if you do, I'd really appreciate a reply. I wanna check in, and know you're doing alright.

Maybe, we could even meet up sometime?

Sitting here at my desk, gazing out my window to the streets of New York, I feel happy.

This is reminding me of high school. With the letters, do you remember the Love Letter Game? How I confessed to you?

We shared some great memories in high school. And even if we don't talk anymore, those memories will live in me forever.

I wish you the best of luck out there, Jake.

As of now we're merely strangers, but maybe, just maybe, we'll cross paths again soon. And we'll look at each other, and I'll smile. Because I'll remember that one blissful, enchanted year I got to spend with Jake Sterling.

But that day's not to come yet. So, until we meet again,

Yours truly, Hailey Austin


Thank you all so much for your support throughout this book! It's crazy to think it's been six months since I started this! I love all of you so much, and your support is what motivates me to keep writing! I really appreciate you reading this far. Your support means the world to me. Thank you all for reading this story! And I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing!

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