Chapter 6 | A Day At The Mall (Part 2)

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"This would look so cute on you!" Zoey squealed, holding up a silver chain necklace, a purple gemstone dangling on the end.

"I don't know," Milly murmured, reaching to rub the back of her neck, "It's not really my style. I've never been a jewelry person ..."

Zoey let out a soft sigh, putting the accessory back in its case. "You know, I'm not gonna give up until I find a cute outfit you like," She explained, "Besides, you wanna look your prettiest when you confess to garden boy, don't you?"

The guitarist's cheeks flushed, quickly hiding her face in her hands, "H-Hey! Zoey!" She exclaimed, "I don't even know if I'm gonna confess to him!"

The other girl's bubbly expression shifted to more of a pout, as she tilted her head, allowing her strawberry blonde locks to shower over her shoulder,"I thought you already wrote a letter?"

"I did," Milly uttered, finally lifting her face from her hands, her amount of blush dying down, "I just haven't gathered the courage to give it to him yet..."

"Oh..." There was a brief silence, before Zoey pulled out her bright smile, lightening the mood, "Well, if you do, we're gonna find you an adorable outfit!

"I dunno, Zoey," The fuschia-haired sighed, a somber energy growing around her, I don't think the prettiest dress in the world could mask my personality..."

"Milly, don't do that to yourself! Enough with the low self-esteem!" Zoey whined, "You are such an amazing person, and if Elliot can't see that, you can find yourself someone who does!"

"Thanks, Zoey," Milly spoke, gently smiling at her friend, "You know, I'm honestly too much of a chicken to send the letter, I might have to ask Zander to insult me into giving it to Elliot," She gave a small laugh, which trailed off to sound far more forced.

"Oh, please," Zoey scoffed, "If you wanna be insulted, I have a doc filled with insulting names that I can call people, just in case."

The comment made Milly burst out into laughter, causing Zoey to giggle herself. "Oh, you have to send that doc to me!"

"Oh, come on, you know enough insults already," Zoey sneered, before adding, "You're threats get quite descriptive as well. I could learn a thing or two from you."

"Well, there are two types of people in the world," Milly said, her laughter now reduced to a few soft chuckles, "Those who flirt their way into getting what they want, and those who threaten their way into it. We represent both those sides." The two girls fell into another small fit of laughs.

"Hey, Zoey?" Milly asked, catching the attention of the lime-eyed teenager.

"Yeah?" She beamed, a small grin on her face.

"I'm really glad we're friends."

Slightly taken aback at the random comment, Zoey blinked at her friend, before allowing a warm, genuine smile to melt onto her face. "Aw, Milly, I'm glad we're friends, too."

And they both, truly, absolutely, honestly meant it.


"So, what did you wanna talk about?"

The two both stood in the middle of the mall, almost acting as traffic cones, as bypassers had to avoid and go around them to pass.

"O-oh, um," Liam stammered with his words, trying his best to escape Luke's glistening gaze as he desperately searched for the courage to ask the question he'd been longing to ask for such a long time now. He felt his fingernails digging deeply into his palms; clenching his fists had been a habit he'd developed, and tended to do most when he was anxious or nervous.

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