Chapter 22 | Prom

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Prom. A night for making memories, enjoying your youth, having fun with friend's who will someday be part of the past. An undeniably forgettable part of one's life. A day you'll look back on and smile. A day that'll someday be called "the good old days". And you'd wish you could relive it.

For the juniors and seniors of Rose Meadow High, that special night was tonight.

"Okay... Do you see Jake anywhere?" An aqua-haired girl asked, nervously glancing around.

"Uh, no, I don't believe so," Kingsley mumbled back. He faltered for a moment, before clearing his throat, "You look beautiful, Hailey."

Slightly surprised by the comment, Hailey's eyes widened, her cheeks darkening. "O-oh," She sheepishly smiled, tucking some loose bangs out of her face, "Thank you."

Kingsley truly meant it. She really did look beautiful in his eyes. Her hair was neatly braided down her shoulder, and she wore an off-shoulder, ruffled, light grey dress that fell to her knees. Small silver stars were decorated at the rim, sparkling in the dim lighting of the gym.

All Kingsley could think of in that moment was how Hailey was the most beautiful breathtaking girl in the world. His eyes trailed down to the love letter she held in her hands, his grin slightly fading, "So, how many letters have you given Jake, exactly?"

"I've written one everyday since the first one, so three," Hailey spoke, her fingers tracing the outline of the envelope. She slowed down her walking pace, until she was halted to a stop. Hailey stared down at the love letter, examining it. "This is a bad idea, isn't it?"

"No!" Kingsley quickly assured, "Of course not! It's not good for you to keep your feelings bottled up. You have to tell Jake how you feel." He gazed into her eyes, softly smiling.

She returned it, and let out a small, slightly nervous laugh, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Kingsley wanted Hailey to be happy, he really did. That's what you do for people you love, right? Ensure their happiness, no matter how much it may ||kill|| you inside.

But Kingsley wanted to protect Hailey. While it hurt to see her pining for someone else, it would hurt even more to see her heartbroken. Which is why he was so desperate to find out if Jake reciprocated Hailey's feelings. If he didn't, he would have to save Hailey from getting rejected.

As of now, he was relying on Stacy to find out for him. He was quite sure she would, given the clip Lia had.

Kingsley was certain he wouldn't be able to get Jake to spill his crush on his own, he could tell Jake wasn't fond of him.

He had no intent to actually release the clip of Stacy and her friends with that entire... Conversation. He just knew she wouldn't budge otherwise.

And as cliche as it sounded, love made you do crazy things. While that never justifies how cruel an action could be, or how dire the consequences are, all Kingsley knew was that he loved Hailey Austin. He always did. And that was the only logical thought coursing through his mind.

"Hey, I think I see Zander and Luke!" Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he followed her eyes, seeing the two mentioned boys leaned up against the far wall of the gym, accompanied by a navy-haired girl.

The two approached the trio, and once they were decently close, Luke noticed, waving at them. "You both look amazing!"

"Oh my Gosh, Hailey I love your dress!" Stacy squealed, once getting a proper look at it.

"Thanks!" Hailey beamed, "I like yours too!" She admired the long, dark green dress Stacy wore, and while it was definitely on the simple side, it looked nice on her.

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