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Hi there so this is the original story, it's boring and cliche and actual shit so I highly recommend not reading this and maybe reading the rewrite/reboot instead 😀👍

Also if you came here because it's tagged in Drake that's in the rewrite, not the original


A game blows up over night, and everyone at school is trying it. It's called "The Love Letter Game".

How to play the game is by sending your crush a series of anonymous love letters and gifts, until finally confessing your love.

You must pour your heart into these love notes, as the goal of the game is to try and get your crush to fall in love with you by simply reading the letters.

Despite each of them facing their own problems, the members of the music club decide to try it out.

"So... We're really doing this?" Hailey asks, glancing at her fellow bandmates. "You guys are really okay with confessing to your crushes?"

"I've waited long enough. Now stop talking before I regret it!" Milly exclaims, tapping her fingers on her guitar that sat in her lap. It was clearly visible to the others that she was anxious.

"Well, I know exactly what to put on my letter!" Luke says, as if on cue, a familiar raven haired girl knocked on the door.

"Hey, Luke! Ready to go?" Stacy asks, flashing a smile at the yellow eyed boy.

"Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting." Luke says, standing up from his drum set and walking over to the girl. "Bye guys!" He exclaims, waving his hand as the pair began to walk out.

Their voices and laughter echoed through the hallway, as silence filled the music room. "Well, I think we all know who Luke's writing his for." Sean says, earning a laugh from both Jake and Milly.

"Damn right! Those two are whipped for each other!" Milly exclaims, pulling out her phone, presumably to check the time.

Zander rolls his eyes in annoyance.

Recently, it was clear to the club that their drummer, Luke, was growing rather close with a girl named Stacy. Zander hated to admit it, but their friendship of 12 years was coming to an end, and Luke had already found a replacement.

"Hey, uh, I actually had a question for you guys." Sean asked, fumbling with his fingers as the others curiously looked at him.

"What is it?" Hailey replied.

"Well, you know I have to testify against my parents in a few weeks, and you guys are my best friends. I was wondering if maybe you would attend the courtroom. It'll put me at ease if you guys were at my side." The older boy said, as his avoided looking at his band mates.

"Of course!" Milly exclaimed. Similar responses were heard from the others.

"Eyes periwinkle, like the sunny ocean." A quiet voice muttered.

The club members turned their heads towards Jake, who was glancing down at a paper he held in his hands.

"Is that your letter? Man, you must be desperate if you've already started!" Milly snorts, earning Zander's rarely heard laugh.

"Sh-shut up!" Jake stuttered, shoving the paper into his backpack.

The others broke into conversation, however Hailey could only think of one pounding thought.

"How can I express how much I love him with just a paper and a pen..."

Chapter 1: Eyes Periwinkle

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