Chapter 24 | A Graduation And A Final Goodbye

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One week later.

"You'll do amazing," Kingsley grinned, dusting off Hailey's dress.

Hailey softly laughed, "Thanks, Kingsley. I'm just a bit nervous... I mean, I don't wanna be the one who messes up the graduation for all the seniors!"

"Hey, come on!" Kingsley attempted to cheer her up, "I know you have some stage fright, but remember prom night? You didn't freeze up, you did great on stage!"

Hailey forced a smile. Deep down, she knew well why she didn't freeze up that night.

Because just minutes before their performance, Hailey had realized, she loved Kingsley. And that was the only thought clogging her mind, she had no time to worry about her stage fright, or messing up the performance.

Suddenly, she felt two hands entwining themselves on her own. "Hey... I'll be right there if anything goes wrong..." She found herself getting lost in Kingsley's gentle gaze, his charming rose eyes blinking back at her.

Without thinking, Hailey leaned forward, placing a quick peck on Kingsley's lips.

The second she realized what she was doing, she redacted her head, leaving the two of them to stare at each in complete shock, eyes wide, faces beet red.

"W-well- um, I'm gonna go now-" Hailey sputtered, backing away from him. She could feel her face growing hotter by the second, "I'll- um, see you later!" Without looking back, she rushed away from her, going to find the rest of her bandmates.

Once she arrived backstage, she was slightly out of breath from her running. There, she saw Milly and Zander.

"Hey guys..." She faltered, slightly confused. The performance was about to start, everyone else should've been here by now, "Where are the others...?"

"Sean gave us his laptop with the tack on it," Milly explained, motioning towards the device which sat on a table near the back of the stage, "He isn't gonna join us on stage, since, y'know, it's his graduation. I saw Jake talking with Drew, I'm sure he'll be here any minute," The fuchsia-haired girl continued.

"Oh, alright," Hailey shrugged. She was a bit hurt, given she hadn't seen Jake since that incident at prom night. He had chosen to sit with Drew and his other friends rather than the club during the graduation. "And, where's Luke?" Hailey glanced at Zander, who was staring down at his keyboard, and seemed to have no intent of responding, "Zander?" Hailey spoke, trying to gain his attention, "Where's Luke?"

Without moving his head, Zander gave her a quick, ice-cold glare, before looking back down at his instrument, "I dunno. Go ask Stacy. She seems to be the only person he likes hanging out with, anyway." He bitterly spat.

Hailey was slightly taken back by the cold comment, though she decided not to stay on the topic. She huffed a quick, "Okay then..." Before going to grab her guitar.

After a couple minutes in silence, a few laughs were heard over the hundreds of people talking on the other side of the curtain.

Stacy and Luke stepped onto the stage from the right wing, Stacy clinging onto his arm, both of them giggling uncontrollably as Luke was whispering into her ear.

Once they saw the rest of the group there, their laughter quickly died down, and Luke gently pushed Stacy off of him.

"Uh, hey guys," The auburn-haired boy sheepishly waved, clearing his throat. "Is Jake late?"

Hailey expected Zander to respond, though the latter stayed staring down at his keyboard, fighting hard to ignore his boyfriend.

"Yeah, he is," Hailey spoke, after a couple seconds of awkward silence.

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