Zia - Dreams come true

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Never in a million years did I think that my dream would come true that it could really be a chance that my babygirl was alive, and now I have that chance. I don't intend to have a lot of hope! But prepare for the worse, and hope for the best that's what my father taught me. And now I'm going against him and his word! But what kind of mother would I be if I didn't atleast try and give it the benefit of the doubt.

"Mom are we almost there?"

"Stephani get some rest while you can it's a long ride"

"I can't wait to see daddy again"

"This time your father is taking measures to keep you guys safe! That mean less traveling"

"why are we going back? And why doesn't grandpa want us to go? What does he mean when he says dads just lying to get us back?"

"Nathan! Not now"

"I want to know too mom, we have to keep Stephanie safe so whats so important that we're risking that"

"I will tell you when the time is right! Until then just enjoy this time with your family"

Hours passed and I couldn't get any sleep I watched my boys slowly drift to sleep while Stephanie fought until her eyes couldn't take it anymore she was fast asleep



"is dad in trouble?"

" Nathan..please not now"

"So he is in trouble or he's dying?"

"Blake...your father isn't dying"

"Then what is it mom! You can't keep it from us forever! Stop treating us like we're babies we have a right to know what's going on!"

"fine...some new information about stefina surfaces"

"About her killers?"


"Then what?"

"There saying her death was staged..that she's still alive"


And more silence

"I know this is a lot to take in but you have to be strong for Stephani just don't get your hopes up"

"She's alive?"

"She might be..so your father Is giving this his all, when he lost you guys it tore him apart  so much that I was afraid what was going to happen I didn't want you guys in the middle of the war your father was going to finish so I took you guys away but now your father needs us so much right now"

"this is too much..who knows how she's been living"

"Don't think about that let's just pray and hope that she's alive and she's not going though a hard time"




Everyone did there hugs and greetings the tiredness in my eyes was clearly seen I couldn't sleep the whole two day trip. I want my babygirl back

"Sons gather your mother bags, she needs rest"

"I'm fine I can carry my own bags, boys! Take your sister to the kitchen let's get her fed"

"I see they listen to you instantly"

"Give it time! They been with me all there lives and plus they know ion play"

"I missed you mi wife"

"soon to be ex wife don't play with me"

"Let's get inside"

I followed Stephan to his office! The same office we made it official

"Any new leads?"

"No but we have a plan! We will have someone on the inside that's gonna find out we're they took her"

"Are you sure this gonna work? What if he lying or ju-"

"He's not! I made sure of it! I'm going to find our  babygirl! Don't worry, she will be home"

"I'm going to get some rest it's been a long ride"

"I understand, your sleeping in my room"

"And where are you sleeping?"

"My room, duhh Zia"



"I'm engaged that's inappropriate"

"To lay with my wife?"

"Soon to be ex wife!"

"Go get in the bed Zia!"

"Who you think you talking too? You lucky I'm to tired to bop you in yo shit!"

"Clearly you forgot who runs this relationship"

"That's were your wrong...there's no relationship and there won't be one again! I've moved on and you should too!...goodnight Stephan"

"Goodnight my beautiful baby girl"

" you don't stop do you"

" you know not"

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