Stefina- Like hell she is

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i never thought they'll find me, eleven years running around being his slave! His personal killer! eleven fucking years it took them to find me.

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"Yeah I've been starving for eleven years"

They all stared at me blankly


"Glad to have you back, I'm your grandmother"

"I remember you all it's no need to go down a line I was missing not dead"

"Well we thought you were"

"Awe brother, Who's the little girl peaking around the corner?"

"Stephani honey come here" stephan says

she came from around the corner she looked just like mom while we look like our daddy dearest

"Don't tell me you had another child to put through hell" this foolishness

The little girl looked sad from my comment like she hasn't suffered from this family yet

" it's nice to meet you, I'm stephani"

"that's cute and all but I'm your sister not no white folk on the street"

"Oh I'm s-"

I hugged her I always wanted to be reconnected with my siblings but her I just wanted to protect from everything i been through..she was something innocent that I refuse to see burden

"just gonna stand there and not join the hug or are you folks just gonna be scared of little old me"

this tough front i put up wasnt really who i was deep inside i needed this hug more than they thought, i was free, free of every demon i had to live with for the past elevan years of my life. i wanted to cry so fucking bad man i wanted to let all this shit out and just tell them the shit i went trough and tell them to keep me safe.. since i was little i dreamed of this and when i got the misson to kill my father for my freedom i didnt feel bad that i was going to do it but now i do because i miss this, i miss them.

"i dreamed of this for so long"

i havent seen my mother in years but she didnt age in the face at all her eyes glowed this happniess that i lacked, this women birthed me and did everything in her power to protect us, but no one was there to protect her my blood boils when i think about the pig that raped her... i wonder if she knew who it was

"i will cook and we need to celerbrate the return of our own!"

"invite amber" i looked my brother in this eyes he was always the mean triplet, always tried to protect us and even that day he tried his hardest to get to me but we both just couldnt fight off those men

"mom im going to rest" blake said so quietly

he didnt do much that day but cried we was only six but i remembered, he cried so much they pointed a gun at his head i can tell it impacted him more than it impacted nathan

things didnt feel the same even though i was back home.

how could i pretend this was normal that being missing for years being trained and made to kill was normal! how could i ever be happy after this

i looked at my father who was starting at me from afar his eyes held so much inside that he tried to hide.

"how has it been here and around since ive been gone? must have been busy since stephani is born"

dad looked at mom with sadness present in his eyes

"honey, me and your father arent together after everything happened i left with your brothers and found out i was pregant after i left, but when we leave to head back to our real home your going with us"

"like hell she is"

"stephan why would she stay here when her siblings are with me, shes more in danger here"

"her kidnapper was around you and my other kids tazia! the fuck do you mean! my kids are staying here"

"over my dead body!"

"you toook my fucking kids for years with no contact your not taking them again i have two fucking daughters who i dont fucking know! my sons barely know me and one hates me with every fiber in his bones. im stepping up and your not taking my fucking kids thats fucking final"

"EveryONE CHILL!!!" gma yelled

" dads right you cant keep us apart he's our father no matter the sistuation, we are grown enough to make that choose" i fired

"tell your fiance he's not raising my kids anymore"

"fiance? i see you didnt let me being dead stop you from living life"

mother seem hurt from that comment but i was too i always wanted my mother and father together

"i thought you were dead! and i had three kids to raise after that a little happiness i deserved it! your coming home with me and im not dicussing this with anyone! im your mother im not letting you stay here with your sick twisted father and his gang memebers running around killing people"

"lets not forget he's not the only killer in this room zia, everyone needs to calm down its a good time dont ruined it, what you two need to do is come together and figure out what's best for your four kids! This isn't about you guys anymore!"

"it was never about us kids to begin with! Dad only cared about ruin my mothers life! Having her to himself! Hurting her!! now he's changed and want to play good father!" Nathan fires out

"Nathan! I'm trying my best not just for you but for three other kids as well! I didn't get to watch you grown up! I don't know my kids as I should and I can't blame your mother for taking you away because I know I didn't protect you like I should have! But I'm a trying man im given my all and I have more to offer other than pain!"

"I'll give you chance" the words flew out before I could realize what I was asking for, my father was trying based off the look in his eye but when I was little I could remember him always reading bed time stories but the memories I had were blacked out and faded and some completely gone

"Me too" I look at my sister who's desperately trying to be heard, it hurt her that she doesn't know our father but deep inside she also know the fear of others being here

"I'll try as well" Blake timid voice was heard from the stairs

"someone has to protect my siblings so I guess I will too on the behave of them"

"Son, you won't need to protect  them for long you no longer have to worry! Im here Nathan! im better than I was before I promise you that"

he looked at mother while saying those lines I knew he was still in love with her... and everyone could tell that she loved him back but no one blamed her for not wanting to give there love another chance, dad hurt everyone..but he hurt mother the worse..he knew that too! That's what hurts him the most.

"Your right! We will work something out because these kids need there dad"

"Thank you"

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