nathan- pretty lips

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"Nathan after dinner I will like to to have a word with you"

I stared my grandmother in the eyes she was trying to provoke me. Every one stares we're making my skin crawl.

" is everyone just gonna stare at me?" I rose an eye brow

"Nathan cut it out"

"Mother I'm sure you understand how it feels to be stared down, after all this is the same table we sat at when that sorry excuse of an shithole called us  n-"

"DONt SAY IT!" Mother fires out

"Do not disrespect your grandmother"

I rose a eye brow at my so call father, I can't wait until I take everything from him, his money. His gang, everything.

"Don't speak too me "

"Nathan your making your sister very upset"

"Are we just going to sit around this table and act like everything is okay? My sister is out there after being kidnapped and sold off by our own racist ass father and you guys wanna seat at the table like everything is fucking great" I fired out

I never seen my mom look at me with disappointment before, the way she slammed her hand on the table and stood up I never see her get angry with me like she did. Maybe I took it a bit too far but these feelings they don't never go away unless I scream or yell or hurt someone's else's feeling..they follow me around and hunt me until I release them in some form!  I think think straight and it's been a couple days since I had them..they faded this shit away! They helped with the pain and anger and anxiety that I can't shake tf away

"That's it! Nathan I'm sending you back home! You will not stop and I won't allow you to stress anyone else out with your bullshit! ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF? Who do you think you are ?I have not raised you to be this person you are showing the only other family you got! Everyday your father tries your beating him down and your hurting your sisters and brother by acting like a damn fool!

"So your choosing him over me"

"Baby what? I will always choose you guys! But you have to understand you have crossed serval lines"

"After all these years you sit here and still love that basterd! What does it take for you to move on mother? Him dead or us in a fucking grave"


"I'll do this family a favor and fucking leave"

I stormed upstairs and grabbed my bag

" where to you think your going"

"Away from here grandmother"

I pushed passed her and walked out the front door taking dear father car

It feels good to be free

Next morning

I walked the streets of Italy, the view was beautiful. I needed to get out and get away from that house

I never been this free before, moms always down our backs making sure we're safe and Stephan doesn't let us out by ourselves.

I stopped at a small Italian restaurant to clear myself breakfast. I thought about how my month we threaten to send me away! She can't do that I'll send my grandfather down here so fast to pick them up she won't know what hit them

"A penny for your thoughts?"

I looked up

she was breathe taking, I never seen such big eyes that pulled her hair an skin together

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