zia-Just like your father

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Two days later~

"Are you sure you don't need us down there"

"Im find dad, i can take care of myself"

"I know that i mean i trained you myself..are you uncomfortable being down there yourself"

"Yes dad"

"Why cant i come again"

"I know stephan, i wont get anything accomplish if you come"

"I don't trust him"

"You don't know him"

"I know enough"

" Justin...don't"

"You expect me to be ok with you going thousands of miles to your husbands mansion where you could put our kids in danger"

"You agreed to this months ago what's your problem now?"

"My problem started when you told me i couldn't come"

"Mommy are we going now?"

"Yeah baby go get your brothers"

Stephani walked to get her brothers

"Justin don't worry tazia got herself "

"Dwayne you cant be sure"

"Mom were ready"

"I gotta go, i'll call you when we land" i kissed his cheek

"Come back to me"


I grabbed my suitcase and walked to the car and loaded with my kids.

"Why cant Justin  come?"

"Your father wouldn't like it very much"

"You guys talk about him like he's that crazy"

I locked eyes with nathan

"Because he is stephani, don't let your guard down"

"Why not?"

"Because everyone he loves get hurt"

"Don't talk about him like that! I barley know him you cant tell me all these things and expect me to just hate him"

"Mom can we visit stefina"

"Yeah, we can"

"You and stefina have the same attitude"

"I don't have attitudes"

"Yes you do, you get it from mom"

"Blake! Take that back"

"That's what dad liked most about you"

"Yeah i know"

"Enough about him for right now,where are we staying when we get there?"

"That's something i wanted to talk to you guys about"

"Im staying at a hotel, and its up to you guys if you want to stay with your father or in a hotel"

"We all should stay in a hotel"

"I want it to be everyone's own decisions"


"Im with nathan on this one"

"I wanna stay with stephan"

"Stephani...its best if you stay with us"

"But mom just said its up to us...i choose to stay with my father"

"Thats not a good idea" blake mumbled

"Mom tell her no"

"I did say it was up to you guys"

"She's ten years old., she doesnt make big decisions like this"

"Nathan ita not a big decision"

"She's choosing to stay with the devil and she doesn't even know it because she doesnt know him"

"And who fault is that!"

"Stephani you can not blame mom"

"I really can"

"Mom saved you...if she didnt leave you would have been dead just like our fucking sister stefina"

"Stop comparing me and situations with her! I dont know her...im not her"

"Exactly you will never be her but if you go down the road your trying to go on...you will"

"Whats that suppose to mean"



"Im sorry she's ju-"

"I don't care. You do not curse in my presents, you do not talk to females like that, and so help me god stop using your dead sister name as an excuse not to be around your father...i know ok, i know its hard and that you hate it but we have to work together"

" you dont think i know that"

"Ok talk back to me one more time and imma put my foot in your ass, you've been getting away with alot of shit and it comes to an end. I know your hurting, but you dont think everyone else is hurting too?"

"I cant tell"

"What happened to doing better for me?"

"Wake me up when we get there"

"Sometimes you act to much like your father.....and that scares me"

"Im nothing like that men"

"You are, you just dont see it"

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