stephan -Im sure you'll lose in real life

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Punch. Punch. Kick. Punch. Kick.kick.

the punching bag was my enemy the bastards that took my babygirl! The bastards that ruin my relationship! That drove my kids apart

Kick. Kick. Punch.


"if you pretending the punching bag is your enemy I'm sure you'll lose in real life"

"Son. You don't know who your father is behind these feelings and emotions"

"I know exactly who you are"

"You saying you can do better?"

"I'm saying one on one I can rip you apart. Give you a run for your money"

"My own son challenging me"

"Are you scared father? Is that a deny?"

I studied Nathan, his eyes were cold like mine his attitude was ruthless, he was me, I was staring at myself and the feeling in my chest didn't like that. I want my son to be better than me not in this shit.

"Nathan. Son, I deny I can't bring myself to lay a hand on you"

"Your a weak man! Is this how your gonna deny a enemy when it's time to get stefina back? If so I should leader your men! If your not ready to risk your life for your daughter! IF YOUR NOTHING BUT A WEAK MEN! what kind of father are you"


"It's fine I can take it"

"Yeah Blake he can take it! Let him hear the truth! You let down our family ten years ago and now your ready to do it again? I'm doing everything in my power to bring my sister home and if that means taking out the dead weight! I will"

"I did everything I could to keep you guys safe! I suffered years for what happened! But I won't take this disrespect in my own house!"

"Fight  me for it!"

"For what?"

"Your leadership!"

"Nathan! This isn't a good idea, mom wouldn't want this"

"Mom can't tell me what to do!"

"Do not talk about your mother like that! If you don't respect me that's fine but You will respect her"

"In love with someone that's been engaged.. pathetic"

" you know, you stress your mother out so much! Are you proud of that? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror recently? Your trying to act so hard and be someone your truly not deep down because your hurt! But the world is not your enemy! And if your gonna survive here then your gonna follow my rules! Your gonna show everyone respect! Because they protect you! They risk there life and risk there love ones losing them to serve me! To protect your sister and your mother! And you are going to be the reason we lose them and stefina if you don't stew your fucking head on straight!"

He was caving, his weak spot was his family and I didn't blame him, it was mine too

"Fine! For the sake of my family" Nathan was defeated by the truth but deep inside I knew he still hated me and if he anything like me this isn't the end of this

"Thank you"

" yeah, don't mention it"

" you ready to fight?"

" if that's what you want, I'll be happy to beat your ass"

"Blake! Get over here, hold the bag for your brother I'm going to shower"


I walked out that gym defeated I thought we had made progress in this relationship. I see he got my stubbornness and he's bipolar. Zia had her hands full

but was he right ? Was I really a coward?

"What are you thinking about?"

"Our son"

"He's just stubborn like his father, sooner or later he will get it together"

"What happens if she's alive? How do we get ten years of her life back if she's living a terrible life"

" let's just hope that she's alive and if she is let's mainly focus on getting her back, it's gonna be hard but this is the time our kids will need us the most! This is the time we really have to step up and be co parents..there gonna need us more than anything even if this turn out to be a lie the boys will be hurt"

"Zia I'm trying but it a like he just won't stop hating me. My own son hates me Zia and I don't know what to do anymore"

"Don't give up on him! show him that your here"

"How do I do that?"

"Why do I have to always think? Use your brain Stephan"

"thanks for no help at all"

"Nooo problem while your at it call your lawyer and see if them papers came in"

I shot her a look as she walked away

I won't sign them even if I was in death row

Till death do us apart death do us apart

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