Stefina - the end

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I watched as my mother wobbled to the couch she was in search of my father who was sneaking handing gang work despite the rath of my mother

"Stefina have you seen your father?"

"Yeah he's sneaking doing gang work after you told him not too"

The look of disbelief on her face and then anger


"Mom calm down you know what dad said about stress"

"Nathan shut the fuck up"

Blake snickered from the kitchen only made it worst

"And Blake what the hell you laughing about?"

"Nothing momma, I'll go get dad you sit and rest" he laughs

it was six months after my mother was kidnapped and my brother shot and killed my grandmother and my brother found out he got his girlfriend potentially pregnant but in the end it was a false alarm and me I was healing the people who caused me pain were dead and I was back with my family..and my mom she was happy that the baby was my fathers she was a train wreak waiting for the dna test my father wouldn't have cared but it was a shine of happiness that it was determined to be his

"Stefina? You snitched on me"

"You shouldn't lie to my mother you told her you were done with gang work"



"GOD FUCKING LEE STEFINA" he groaned in frustration

everyone laughed around him my family has came along way my brother isn't as broken as he he was before he's healed as well and found his happiness with mila

Nathan he's less angry he's decided to wait to lead the gang he wasn't a to explore and live life a little more before he takes the role of a mobster and me I'm going to do the same I'm going to travel the world and be happy with my man WHos been supporting of me and understanding of my past even when I was a hurtting bitch who couldn't love

"Leave my baby alone"

"She's my baby too Zia"

"Youn got no kids these are MY KIDS NOW"

"You don't mean that honeybun, let me go run you a bath and cook you something and we can cuddle and watch love and hip hop"

"That sound nice"

He kissed her lips and got to work my father and mother relationship has never been better, four kids and one more on the way and they had so much love between them when they met they were so young and slightly immature as the stories I've heard about them I'm going to conclude that

And now there one big happy family my dad often tells us no matter how long it takes you never stop fighting for for what you want, and if you somehow find your person make it work no matter the pain or struggles if you know deep down your meant to be you never stop fighting for that person and never give up on love

My parents didn't have a great first story and me and my siblings story wasn't the best but one thing for certain it hasn't ended yet as I look around the room at the people I have I'm greatful

Because Every story begins where it ends.

The end.

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