Nathan- Fuck you

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I paced around in the guest room I was staying in wondering if I should go talk to my father or not was it time to put this behind us? My sister was back home, my mother was getting married to someone and more or less happy so what reason did I have other than the past..maybe mom was right

I was about to open the door but half way out amber was about to knock

"I didn't know you was here"

"I just got here from the hospital I just came to check up on you and say thanks for calming me down a couple weeks ago"

"No problem and I'm fine...You want to come in?"

"No I said what I needed too"

"Oh just thought you wanted to talk or something"

"Nah lizard eyes I just wanted to say my thanks you's I need to head out"

"Where are you going?"

"Why does that matter?"

"Because I want to know"

"Well I'm going to a party"

"I'm coming too"

"No your not lizard eyes"

"Yes I am and that's final"

"Mhm someone sounds a little hardheaded"

Later that night.

she ended up taking me with her it wasn't like she had a choice I've been to plenty of parties before but this one was different it's like the energy in this place was off which had my sense alert

"Relax lizard eyes don't think your gonna be behind me acting crazy"

"Are you drinking tonight?"

"I'm having one drink and that's it someone has to get you home safely"

"Make it half a drink"

"Look now don't be a mood killer"

I watched as she drunk and talked to the people around, many of the females stared and some even tried to talk to me and get me to dance or even do sexual shit but my eyes stayed glued on her all night!

I watched as she got up and started dancing the way her eyes watched me with every swerve of a hip and every neck role! She teased me with her body and eyes they fucking periced into my soul! My body was on fire watching her she motioned for me to come to her and my body moved on it's own! she grinded on me and got me excited in places I couldn't let her see yet I wanted to go slow I wanted her to be sober when I made her feel good

"Kiss me lizard know you want too"

so I did it I kissed those red soft lips she kissed me back with passion I knew what i felt for this girl and I knew I'll put my life on the line for her! No female has ever had me feeling like that I was scared! shit she was perfect

"Your a good kisser lizard eyes"

"I leave tomorrow"

I saw the sadness in her eyes but she masked it

"Wow, when we're you going to tell me"

"Whenever I saw you again which was today"

"Because I fucking came over! You were gonna leave without a inch of goodbye"

"Amber..I don't have a phone to communicate! I don't have your number! How was I going to contact you! Of course I told my grandma to inform you tho"

"Fuck you lizard eyes"

"It's not my choice! I tried to stay for you"

"Why would you stay for me ? I'm nothing to you! And your nothing but a problem to me"

"Don't say that"

"What? It's the truth I'm just drunk and your the only thing near" she laughed

Fuck that hurtted so fucking much

"Let's go home"

"Home? Your fucking leaving tomorrow that isn't your home anymore lizard eyes"

"Amber! Let's go home we can talk about it there it's late"


I grabbed her by the arm and stared her down her breathing picked up

"I said we're leaving and that's final"

"Fine! I'll leave! But your still a piece of shit"

The drive home was completely silent I could tell she was getting sleepy the way her eye lids dropped

"Lay on me"

"No thanks"

"Your sleepy! it's a while before we arrive my little Angel"

"Don't call me that"

"Don't call me lizard eyes"

"First of all your eyes are shaped as lizards you and your brothers for some unknown reason! But me I'm far from a Angel trained to be nothing more of a Angel!"

"Your rambling"

"Maybe I am"

she laid her head on my lap I turned and watched the sun that had Rosen this was peaceful this was calming..this was my safe haven

I carried her inside the house and up the stairs

"Going out without anyone knowing where you were was dangerous and stupid"

"I know dad, and I'm sorry"

"listen if you want to go out I rather you come to me and your mother than to be lost or out and kidnapped! I can't have anything else happen to my kids"

"I understand"

"Get her in bed and get rest we have a long flight"

"Did you tell mom?"



"Because no matter how much of a pain in the ass you are! You are my son Nathan! Plus your mother is under a lot of stress telling her will only make her stress more about you..I genuinely care and love you son and maybe one day you can see that"

"I do"

Amber stirred in my arms

"hey dad, is there a way I can stay"

"Your mother isn't going for that! Plus it's better we have our eye on everyone..why do you want to stay"

"Someone special made me see the point of living differently than what I was living for"

"Hold on to that reason son...and never let it go"

"I won't"

I placed amber in bed after my father's conversation the first real civil one and it slipped me mind that I called him dad it came out without a thought.

"You should give him a chance"

"I know Angel"

"Come lay with me"

"I was planning on it dear"


"Go back to sleep"

"Your still a peice of shit lizard eyes"

"I know Angel..I know"

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