Stephan- healed wounds

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"How the fuck did this happen again??" Blake yelled in frustration

"No one is fucking resting until she's back here and where the fuck is Nathan"

"Sir we believe Nathan was tooken as well"

"Oh my god I think I'm going to be sick" Stefina breathe out

"There's no way Nathan went down without a fucking fight! Search by the fucking bathrooms again he left a clue! He left something! I know my fucking son! Get men traveling every fucking directions now!"

"Sir we received that order from blake already we've been searching already"

"what is amberabella doing? Has she calmed down"

"No sir she's sharpening her knives she said she's going out there herself to find him"


"No we need as many people that we have out there I'm not handling some crazy Italian even I know better than that father"

"Sir we found someone unconscious in the maids closet"


"Do not let amber get to him I will handle him"

"Sir with all do respect no one wants to get in ambers way"

I sighed in frustration everywhere you turned it was a crazy person ready to go to war for their leader and his mother my queen

"im going to clean my guns and sharpen my knives as well I just can't sit around and hope for nothing" Stefina eyes were darkened her face was emotionless the last time I seen her look like this she was ready to kill me for her freedom

"Sir seems as your wife has sent a distress signal with one of our car trackers"

"Get on it"

"I'm going and your not stopping me uncle Stefan"

"Amber we need clear headed people the last time s"

"I give no fucks the father of my child is missing I have to find him I can't raise this child by myself"

the room grew quiet everyone paused and looked at her the tears fell from her eyes as shame was all over her face

I sighed while hugging her "amber Nathan wouldn't want you outside risking the health of the baby"

"He doesn't even know! He can't die without knowing Stephan"

"Amber pull your shit together my brother is missing and we don't have time to consult you or no baby"


"NO! Get your gear together everyone now! Head to the distress spot my brother and mother is missing that's what's important now"

"She's right go find them I'll stay here"

"Sir we found your son on the side of the road he's meeting us at the location spot"

"No he needs to be here" amber yells

"No he needs to be the leader he agreed to be you of all people know the position he signed up for"

"He didn't want that shit! He only took it so his siblings didn't have to bare the fucking heartache"

"lock amber in the room and make sure she doesn't leave this house"


"Nathan's not the dom until I step down and that haven't happened yet, take her ass away and load the fuck up im done wasting time"

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