Zia - Just give me one more chance

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I stared down at my babygirl grave, I tried to be brave and let the negative thoughts fade away and somehow I convinced myself crying will bring pain to the rest of the family that's here.

But I was wrong, we lost a love one and that can never be forgotten, these tears we shed today can never describe how much we miss our babygirl, she was just a beautiful soul taken to soon

"I miss you babygirl" the sob I so desperately tried to hold inside burst out

The arms of the men I once loved touched me and that fire feeling was still there. It's been so long since he touched me, held me, but it doesn't matter,I'm with James. I love James. And James loves me.

I turned to the lefted of me and stared down at my other babygirl, somehow Stephan arranged  for both our daughters to be side by side in the family grave yard.

I turn and looked at Nathan, he held no emotion as he looked down at this sisters grave.

I walked beside him and took his hands in mine.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm at my dead sisters grave mom, what do you think?"

"Your right, I'm here if you want to talk baby"

"I'm fine"

"It's not safe to keep these emotions bottled up"

"Why don't you get that I want to be far away from him and you"

"Excuse me?"


his eyes shifted behind me I didn't see it coming


Nathan pushed me down and shoved be behind the grave stone, I watched my first born pull out a gun,

"Stay down I'll be back I promise"

He ran from behind the stone and the shock inside me seem to wore off as Stephani was pushed beside me by Blake.

"Mom snap out of it come on!"

The suv that pulled beside us was enough for me to grab my daughter and son and pushed them towards it, I took the gun out of Blake's hands

"Take care of your sister"

"MOM NO!!! Mommmm"

I ran towards Nathan whom was chasing the unmarked car he had Stephan hot on his tail

Nathan was fast but the car was faster


"Nathan, come here are you hurt?"

"No, I thought I told you to stay behind the stone why are you here"

"Because what kind of mother would I be if I let my sixteen year old son run after a shooting car"

"Where's Blake and stephani"

"On there way home"

"That's we're we should all be, take my son back to the mansion I want to canvas and look at the cameras"

"No stephan, I mean home, back where we came from"


"Nathan get in the car"

"Zia you can't do this to me"

" I can't go though another funeral again!"

"You won't I promise you"

"Your making promises you don't know if you can keep, Stephan I don't want to do it but our kids we're in a shoot out! A bullet doesn't have a name on it Stephan and I won't stand by again and let another one die"

"Just give me one more chance, please tazia"

He stepped in front of me holding me face


"Stephan I can't watch another child die"

Stephan turnt to his family


" I know I can't be selfish, I don't want to watch another one of our babies die because of me. There's a duffle bag with money, and burners phones for the two months. I want to be able to talk to my kids.. I want you to know I'm ending this once and for all I can't wait for another ten years to go by"

"What are you talking about"

" I'm leaving this shit behind, for you, for the kids"

"Don't do it for me"

" I know you still love me, and I know you love him too, and when the times comes I hope you pick me"

"Goodbye Stephan"


He cares my face and lean forward and placed his lips my cheek.

He pulled away and looked me in my eyes


"Bye Stephan"

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