Chapter 2: A Funny Feeling

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Getting off the boat I scanned the loading dock. Scents perked my nose, different from what I expected. Hotdogs were being sold down the road. People briskly rushed through the area with purpose with most on phone calls or texting.

But dad was right. Once my eyes adjusted to the sunlight, they were already absorbing in the many auras flooding the streets. Colors radiated with life from each individual. Beautiful, I always thought.

Colors around their hearts were their "true colors".
Colors around their body told me their current emotions.

Similar to how I could see how a person was feeling on the inside, I could tell when a person was lying. Their aura tended to speak to me, revealing bits of inner thoughts because of the gift in my eyes. For years since I've learned Nen, I invested everything into my sight. I was never focused on how to kill my opponent, but to observe and evade.

This led to the ultimate ability that I created on my own. An ability that kept me from ever wanting to kill a living soul.

Using a great deal of energy, Hatsu, in my eyes...I could see a person's life. Or rather, their entire past.

No one knew of this ability except my father. However, I only used it when I absolutely needed to. It didn't feel right when I invaded a person's privacy and it always drained my energy depending on how far I looked back in their life. It was my greatest strength to understand a person. But it was also my weakness. My powers made me sympathize too easily. Even with strangers.

I had yet to create an ability for attacks and never got to it because I've only practiced mastering my foresight in close combat, but I carried a small dagger with me just in case.

Beep Beep!

A car honked at someone walking in the street. Some small insults were shot across the road before they carried on.


"Yeah, I hear you." I rubbed my stomach and made my way towards the hotdog stand.

"Oh...I should get something more suited for here," I said to myself feeling weird in my leather drabs. After becoming a hunter I had trouble finding some sort of self-identity, not knowing what to wear because I was hardly around people. I wandered into a store called Showcase to search clothes.

"Hello, I'm looking outfits?" I tossed my hair to one side, peering around the room.

A dark-skinned slender man scanned me from head to toe multiple times with great intensity. His collared suit and tie were a saturated purple, matching his bold aura completely. "Ahhhh yes! I gotcha girl. Mhmm, I'm thinking black because your eyes have this blue shine to them. Mhmm leather works too. Love that." He snapped his fingers finally making eye contact with me. I stiffened at his commanding presence. "GOT IT," he exclaimed before strutting to the back of the store.

My eyes went wide as he handed me a pair of black skin-tight heels. They went all the way to my mid-thigh.  "Oh uh..." It was inevitable, "Alright."

He threw in a bodysuit with cut-off shoulders, a blue belt around the waist, a deep v-neck drop, and long black gloves. The bodysuit had a bottom cut off like shorts. I didn't know what to expect but for some reason, I was willing to try on anything he gave me. I was finally able to find some sort of new identity.

"I promise honey. Sexy is the new look and you have these fierce eyes I can't explain," he hummed excitedly. "They look like glowing sapphires! Oh my...I wish my eyes looked like that." He fluttered his fingers as his eyes darted from the outfit to my body. His eyes glowed as if he created a whole fashion line that's worth a million dollars. "Here, go put it on, "he said already shoving me into a dressing room.

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