Chapter 44: The Chief

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The Chief cupped my hand warmly. "How are you doing? You look beautiful."

I leaned back on the dresser, slowly turning myself. The first thing I noticed was his stained fingers. Ink. "I'm okay. And...thank you."

Riv followed behind him entering the room, his glare unnecessarily staring into my soul. Eyeing my leg. At me standing. The small lining of his lips curved down ever so slightly. My energy hummed fuller at his nearness.

"You poor thing, Riv told me how you injured yourself on the way here. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Please, if it isn't too much, I was hoping to welcome you personally and have you for tea."

"Tea?" I asked.

"Yes. We have some time before the ceremony. I'll explain what will happen so you don't have to worry."

I limped slowly with him as he took my arm. But each step with the gem made the pain less agonizing. Still, it wasn't enough to get anywhere.

"Riv. Get her a wheelchair." Riv left the room immediately.

"Oh no, I'm fine you don't have to." I held my hand out.

A wheelchair means someone has to push me, I need to get places on my own.

The Chief chuckled. "Don't be silly. We'll sit here."

I scrunched my eyebrows.

I need to heal faster.

As a servant brought in the tea, the Chief and I sat across from each other at a little round table. He explained the ceremony protocols, how he'll introduce me and that all I had to do was stand and wait.

My mind rattled, studying the Chief from the small life I saw in Riv. This old man was goofy offset, always cracking jokes and making friends with every animal. Yet he was also quite ignorant to the games Riv played to obtain this power.

But more importantly...I knew this man would die tonight.

The air remained cool, the vent humming in the background as our glasses clinked.

"You know Raine," he poured sweet bitter liquid from a porcelain pot into my cup. "I've been Chief here for about twenty-two years." He picked up his cup to blow. "Every time we have the Blood Moon, something strange always happens. Every gift brought to us humbly, and yet we still have those Hunters out there picking at our home."

"People are not so kind," I said in a monotonous voice.

He scratched his beard chuckling. "That's true. This is why we endorse the animals. I can sense it in you too. You believe what we believe."

I gripped the tea in front of me, cupping the warmth between my hands.

I did want to stay here. But I don't believe anything.

"You come here, stumbling through the jungle's thick nature," he continued. "A wall supposed to protect us from them. But I fear it will never be enough."

Where is he going with this?

"Do you believe in spirits, my dear?"

"Spirits?" I tilted my head.

"The moon spirit. The spirit inside the gem."

What? It can't be a's from the Dark Continent. It's an actual creature.

"I didn't know."

"When your ancestors took the eyes from us, I prayed and trusted that it happened for a reason. We celebrate the spirit every full moon, and for that, you know what happens?"

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