Chapter 13: Shezun City (PART II)

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Part II:

*Knock Knock*

"Raine! Get dressed!"

Bisky's voice rattled my ears. I sat up groggily and opened the door, which she immediately trudged in handing me the clothes Gunther gave me.

"Good morning, we'll eat breakfast on the way out." She stood resolute with arms crossed.

I yawned and nodded my head, not having woken up like this since whale island. On the rare mornings I slept in, my dad greeted me with an opened window and breakfast. Other than that, I woke up at the crack of dawn to catch the sunrise.

"Sorry, I guess partying drains me more than running a hundred kilometers," I joked

Bisky giggled grasping my hand. "It's only eight, you haven't missed much of the morning." She walked me out greeting Kurapika by the exit of the airship. "Where's Hisoka?" She asked looking around.

Kurapika shrugged. "Probably with Illumi. I'm sure he'll appear later. For now, it's the third day of the trip. Let's collect the information we need and gather supplies for the jungle. Find a place to stay for the time being."

As we stepped off the ramp, the sunbeams peeked over the shadowed buildings, sending thin streams of warmth that gently pressed my skin. My heart sped up, my body awoke at once, itching to climb to the roofs. The sensation almost made me forget I was with a group, tempting me to run away. But as my vision adjusted, gazing down toward the streets, a gasp parted my lips in awe.

The city was nothing how I imagined it. I assumed another Yorknew city aesthetic would welcome me, but no. These buildings were clay-like structures. Smooth, yellowish-colored adobe walls were stacked high and low. Markets with crowded stands filled with fruits and items were being sold left and right. The whole atmosphere was already buzzing with citizens shouting and bustling. Everything fit together organized and cluttered at the same time. And though the air was dry as if a desert camped nearby, there was ironically a humid rainforest on the other side.

"Wow," I tied my hair back, letting my eyes scurry from one event to another. New scents filled my nose. Spices, antiques, perfume, clay, all floated around in the air. There were some aspects that remained modernized. Cars circled over dirt roads around certain areas, though horses and wagons occupied the spaces the cars couldn't fit. Some windows on the exterior of buildings were nothing but a hole and piece of cloth, while some were encased in sophisticated architecture, doused with saturated colors of fabric.

"This way Raine," Bisky nudged my side. "We'll find somewhere we can also train too."

As we strolled past the markets, I noted the different items being sold. There were so many things I had never seen before. But Bisky warned me earlier not to be too trusting so I held my backpack close, staying cautious of what the city might bring.

We trudged northwest as Hisoka said before until we reached a large building about four stories high. It seemed like a large house with a flat roof-top, but the number of identical windows said it was some sort of inn. We entered in and as expected, the interior was gorgeous. It was hard to believe I was sleeping on the grass in the middle of the woods the first night.

"Hello there~" Hisoka appeared behind our group. The events from last night suddenly flooded my memories as I was distracted by the city. "I figured you would stop here. Illumi sends his wishes. He has business to finish and will return in a few days~"

Kurapika seemed to be analyzing his words with suspicion in his eyes. "You have been to this city before."

"Ah~" Hisoka smiled, though didn't say more. "Now where is our room?~"

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