Chapter 47: Surrender it All

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Hisoka paused at the doorway, taking in her figure by the window. His muscles relaxed, his mind eased. Raine gripped the sides of the frame, one hand over her mouth. Her eyes brightened at his entry, her eyebrows lifted in hope. She was here. She was standing before him. He hadn't seen her since the Spider took her away. His aura ceased, filling the room with silence.

"Hisoka! Y-you came to get me?" She leaned forward. A smile fluttering over her lips.

He closed the door behind him. His eyes glued to her.

"Raine~" he breathed, taking a quick step forward. Then another. His heart still pounded out of his chest but he didn't know why. He came to get her out of here as quickly as possible. To get her away from all this commotion. A gut feeling had wretched his stomach when the cone buzzed in his pocket. It could only mean some sort of mishap had come up. An emergency. He ignored it without much thought, finishing his mission at hand.

But as Hisoka confronted her, something caught his attention.

His lips parted hesitantly. His throat dried as he fixated on a large scar on her face. His heart fell as he hovered over her.

Raine's smile faltered to worry and retracted herself, placing her hand on his chest. "Hey...what's wrong?" She looked up at him.

He tenderly grabbed her hand, and with the other, his knuckle caressed her cheek, following the line of the rigid scar. It wasn't just the scar that he noticed. Her eyes were less brighter, her voice meek, her body noticeably fatigued. When he came in, she was clearly focused on something else too. How much has happened since they separated?

"Do you like causing so much trouble?~" His voice ached. His eyebrows cinched, irked by her tendency to let things like this happen.

"What do you mean?" She asked, still gripping the window. "Hisoka I--

Her body tensed as he snaked his hand around her waist, pulling her closer. "Why do you act so carelessly? You make me rescue you every time~" His breath deepened. His voice hummed a low vibration as he lifted her chin up. Raine's eyes went wide, confusion flickering over her face. She stared at him, quiet, as if her consequences just dawned on her. Then she looked away.

"Hmmph. Come on, Sapphire~" He turned away, pulling her with him.

"But I--

Raine whimpered and he immediately turned around, dropping to his knees to catch her as she stumbled forward. His eyebrows raised, surprised when she gripped him tightly around his shoulders, as if her lower body went limb. Her jasmine scent flushed his nose. Her soft, silk robe, cooled against his skin. He lifted her back up and she gripped the window again. Her face was hidden, embarrassed. Her hands shaking. She pressed her lips together, gathering her composure, then let go of the window while keeping her gaze to the floor.

"S-sorry. Let's go." She took a hesitant step forward. Then another. A slight twitch in her left leg was shone through her facial expression, a blink too fast with a sharp inhale that she deliberately tried to hide.

Hisoka's eyes widened. It was all he needed to see. He pierced her with a cold-blooded stare as he grasped the matter at hand. "Raine~" He said dourly. A nasty disproving tone. Dark shadows shaded his eyes. The loose locks of his hair swirled wildly. Raine froze, scrunching her face as if she'd been caught with a crime. Hisoka picked her up and set her on the bed, a death stare shooting at her leg as he knelt down.

Raine attempted to pull her legs in, blocking him from touching her. "Hisoka stop! I'm fine just give me a moment!" She cried.

But Hisoka was already tearing the layers of clothes out of the way, opening it just enough to see her left leg wrapped in an abundance of bandages. Not one surface of skin shown through. A rush of Blood Lust steamed from his head, his demeanor rotting to monstrous.

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