Chapter 28: The Silent Hunter

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"Don't come any closer!" Ahmad warned. "There's nothing you can do. Just stay back."

"No! No no no no no no no." I repeated, my hands covering my mouth at the sight of all the blood. Goosebumps swarmed over my skin from the cold mist, the air dry in my throat. The playing field was graveyard for them.

"What's happening?" Kurapika shouted balling his fist.

A ferocious growl could be heard in front of Bisky. They immediately shifted their attention to it, both her and Ahmad walking backward, their arms raised.

"It's a Spectral Wolf! The animal that was following us. It managed to keep track of our scent." Ahmad was in a very cautious stance.

My thoughts clicked.

The animal I've been sensing since we first stepped into this jungle, has been trailing us this whole time!

Before I could step forward, Kurapika stood in front blocking my path, his arms on the sides of my shoulders. "Wait Raine, we don't know what it does! You should be the last person to-"

"Move out of the way," I said more hostile than I meant, my eyes pinning through him like an unwanted obstacle.

"Ah!" Ahmad tensed in pain. Another scratch out of nowhere. I gritted my teeth shaking Kurapika off but I jolted back as Hisoka grabbed me, gripping my waist firmly.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" My breaths quickened and I clawed at his arms.

"I can't do that Raine~" His arms snaked around me entirely. I attempted to wiggle out of his grasp.

"Raine, we have to think of something first! You'll get yourself killed," Kurapika tried to get my attention again. "Listen to Ahmad damn it! We can't just jump in there without knowing how to stop it!"

"There's no time to! Just do something!" I struggled in Hisoka's grip. I slowly peeled off his fingers one by one but he squeezed against me harder. Veins building from his forearm. The air compressed in my chest.

Illumi darted out towards them. The creature growled again and struck an invisible attack. Illumi blocked but his green suit was torn, dripping warm blood underneath. His face remained unfazed. "It's indetectable even with Gyo. Evading is impossible without knowing where it's coming from." Illumi leaped back with us.

Ahmad hunched down, holding his arm. "The Spectral Wolf is an invisible creature..." he panted, holding his wound. "It's hardly seen and can float through any material so it's practically untouchable. The safest thing to do is for us to leave and create distance."

Kurapika ran to him and helped him up.

"Bisky why can't you transform!?" I shouted as she cautiously walked further from me.

"I can't, it would only get in your way making it hard to find him. But...I could also be a larger surface area. Wait- It could buy us time to escape!" 

"How can you say that? I'm not escaping!" I bared my teeth. My nails ached to dig through Hisoka's skin to free myself. My whole body asked to tear him apart. "I need to get out there! Let go of me Hisoka!" My throat began to scratch.

"Do not go out there~" Hisoka scolded me, a threatening tone that only flew over my head.

"Don't be selfish! They're just as important," I cried. My eyes never left the field.

"Raine! Listen to me!" Ahmad urged. "It has no weakness! You have to trust me! I've dealt with it before and there's no way out."

His gaze fixated on me desperately but I tore my eyes away. "Kurapika look out! Get out of the way!" I screamed.

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