Chapter 8: A Coincidence

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"Oh...I guess you two have met. That makes things easier," Kurapika said, disinterested in the tension. "Hisoka was part of the Phantom Troupe for a while and gave me intel. He's faked his membership to fight the leader."

Hisoka's eyes never left me. His stare coursed against my skin. But I ignored him as Kurapika continued.

"He has information on the former Spider's whereabouts but it's a long way away. It's said he left the Troupe for a needed position at his homeland. Apparently, he was called to guard something powerful located in Jujib, a rainforest with dangerous creatures. Magic Beast Hunters adventure there to catch and study them. The man that attacked your village was replaced by Uvo, the member I killed a year ago. They were brothers, his name is Riv."

My head flashed back to the scene of my mother and sister behind me.

That man. That monster.

I clenched my fist but kept my breaths steady, feeling the dullness of my aura.

"Hisoka knows how to get there and will help. I'm aware of Uvo's ability but I'm sure there's more to his brother than strength." Kurapika finally revealed why Hisoka was here. I narrowed my eyes.

Controlling the situation with the luck of intel he has.

"So do you have a map?" I asked Kurapika.


"But of course, I have my own conditions." Hisoka interrupted. "Well, two~" He raised two fingers stepping closer. His head tilted down with a silly grin plastered over. I crossed my arms awaiting his words. "One, I come with you, to make sure you die only by my hands~" He leaned in only making me want to walk away before he could bother finishing. "And two, Illumi is coming with me. He has some sort of business in that area I think~"

Silence sizzled between us as I searched for lies in those words, but to my surprise, he was telling the truth. I stepped back to think. "If you get in my way, I will kill you and find another way." I turned away.

"Ahh, but you don't kill...~"

He remembers...

"Then I will feed you to some other creature." I stood beside Kurapika.

"Wonderful~" Hisoka cooed as if I didn't just threaten him.

"We leave at dawn. Bisky is coming too," Kurapika added. I was about to ask why but he continued. "I feel her ability might come in handy against...big guys. Plus, she insisted on coming when I asked her if she'd seen Hisoka."

I nodded. "How long is the trip?"

"I'd say about a week," Hisoka answered leaning against the wall. "Meet at the edge of the city directly west by the marble fountain. I'm so looking forward to it~" Then he disappeared.

We scattered, retreating for the night.


A few hours earlier...

Hisoka sat next to Illumi at a bar, leaning over the table with legs crossed. "You'll never believe the luck that has fallen into my hands today~"

"Just tell me," Illumi said flatly.

"Kurapika has asked me once again for information on the Phantom Troupe. involves a certain someone awaiting death~" He hummed swinging a leg under the table.

"Does this have anything to do with me?"

"Now now, I was getting to that part. Raine is looking for a former member of the Troupe and I so happen to know where they are from a little gossip here and there when I was a member. It also happens to be the place your next target is at, Shezun City, by the Jujib Jungle~" He sipped his glass drink, swirling the alcohol around.

"Oh yes, Porter Schieve, an archeologist who possesses a stone my client wants. I told him we didn't steal things, but he insisted his death was even better. A waste if you ask me, but he pays good money."

"I've decided to sign you up. It's as they say, keep your friends close and the enemy closer~" His skin tingled in excitement. Blood pounding through his veins, prompting his fingers to glide against a playing card.

Mmmmmmmm, just thinking about fighting her excites me~ He fumbled with the card lost in thought.

"Would you let me kill her?" Illumi interrupted causing a shooting glare from Hisoka. "I'm aware she's your prey but I'm quite curious to find out how she left you under a tree- knocked out. She was either brave or stupid to keep you alive might I add." He closed his eyes sipping his drink.

"Trust me, the prolonged ending has made this much more appetizing~ " He glazed the sharp ends of his joker card with the pad of his thumb, a little action to keep his twitching fingers at bay before a sigh escaped his lips remembering something. "I would appreciate your opinion on her abilities. I want to know how your mind clicks when interacting with her~"

"Alright, keep me updated." Illumi stood up from the table whilst the noise of the bar suddenly tuned in, the commotion of bartenders entertaining drunks. Hisoka held his drink to his lips, staring at the melting ice.

"And no you can't kill her~" Hisoka mumbled, just enough for Illumi to hear.


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