Chapter 17: A Night at the Circus

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"Would you like to accompany me tonight?~" Hisoka leaned on a market table, towering over me as we gathered supplies for the trip. My basket was filled with fruits and bread.

"Are you going to tell me where?" I continued down the market while Bisky and Kurapika shopped further up ahead.

"Oh but the circus of course~"

I raised an eyebrow. No doubt there was a trick up his sleeve.

"Why would I want to go to a circus?" I studied each stand, searching for an item.

Bread check. Fruit check. I have a pen. But I need something else.

Oh! A notepad.

But Hisoka blocked my path. "Have you ever gone before? I used to perform in one did you know~" He smiled like a little kid showing off cool moves.

I finally paused in the middle of the busy streets to consider his words, "Hisoka we're in the middle of a mission. And I-


I noticed his aura flush with a new color. Clouds of soft yellow, rose from his heart.

Longing? Is the circus important to him?

But the rest of his aura held the same colors, dark red and purple with a dash of pure trouble.

Does he know? There's still a long way before I can win the bet. Maybe it has to do with-

"Do I make you speechless, Raine?~" He lowered his face to mine.

"Fine, fine, I'll go." I snapped out of my thoughts, shooing him away, and moved around him.

He straightened up, staring at me as I caught up to Bisky.

An hour passed before we brought the supplies back to our room.

"At sunset? You're actually going?" Bisky asked, uncertain.

"Yep." I wrapped my wrists with another bandage. I had gotten cut this morning from training. My fingers were sore and slightly bruised.

"I don't know about you, but it sounds like a distraction."

"I thought so too but there was something else to it."

Bisky tapped her foot on the ground as if what I said was not helping. "Raine. You can't possibly be going along knowing he's up to something. I'm telling you, Hisoka is one of those mischiefs who have no purpose in causing a scene other than for his own enjoyment."

I didn't know what to say because I was going for my own enjoyment too. There was no way he could break me. Not in one night either.

"Curiosity killed the cat you know." She crossed her arms.

"Ah yes, and that would be me," I light-heartedly joked.

Bisky scowled.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I don't mean to worry you, but I really want to see what he has planned. I'll take responsibility for anything he does."

She paused. "Well, there's no stopping you is there?"

I gave her an awkward smile.

She sighed. "It's funny how he didn't even give a good reason to go for that matter."

"Well, he knows I won't fall easily into his traps. But even if there was one, I kind of wanna see what it is..." I stiffened.

Okay, that wasn't the right thing to say. Doesn't that mean I would actually fall into a trap easily? Just out of curiosity?

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