Chapter 12: A Fair Game

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Blinding lights gleamed over every window screen. Midnight etched closer as the parties had only begun. The bars were now busier with little to no people roaming the bedroom halls. Hisoka made his way to the room for the night...blood dripping from his playing cards.

Mmmm that's the last of them~ He thought rounding the corner.

A doorknob jiggled in the distance, and just then, he spotted Raine entering her room down the hall, closing the door behind.

Done partying already Sapphire?~

Hisoka let his curiosity take over. The night was still young, so why not uncover more secrets that lay beneath her surface. It was only a matter of time before he discovered what made her tick.

*Knock Knock *

The door creaked open just a crack and her small body guarded the entrance.

"I thought I'd stop by to say hello," he said with his thumb under his chin.

Her eyes fell to his blood-stained hands then trailed back to his gaze. Again, her face made no reaction, just a few blinks undecided.

He leaned down hushing his voice. "Were you expecting me?~"

"You could say that..." she widened the door before turning away. "Do you mind washing your hands?" Her voice tinged with disappointment.

"Of course, where are my manners~" Hisoka came out of the bathroom clean of blood. "You have quite an addicting aroma~"

"Excuse me?" She sat on her bed tilting her head.

"Whenever you are near, it smells like sweet fruit~"

She paused to grasp his words, squinting her eyes.

"...or a sweet flower. I just thought you should know~" He gestured his hand out.

Raine sighed, still processing what just happened, yet she surprisingly hadn't kicked him out yet.

"What is it that you want?" she finally acknowledged him while unlacing her heels. The lights were off, but her curtains were open, filling the room with a blue hue from the moonlight and ocean. Her necklace twinkled again, just as it did the night he followed her into the woods.

"Don't tell me you don't know?~" he said walking towards a desk in front of her bed, the door shutting behind him. He leaned against it, waiting for her to understand his question.

"Ah, you are referring to my ability." She laid on her back, placing her hands behind her head. "I thought you'd find out sooner or later."

"Your fighting patterns differ from everyone else's. And your habits of 'not being surprised' gave it away," he pointed out.

And your eyes~

"Right...but what I don't see is why you've come to my room. Aren't you supposed to be studying me from afar or something?"

He chuckled being called out.

I guess she cannot see that far into the future.

"Well, I've come to find out more about you~" He watched her chest slowly rise and fall. It was quite fascinating to see her control her emotions. Stable mental health meant focused Nen abilities. Perhaps Illumi might have been onto something.

"You mean find out my weaknesses," she sighed. "I guess it is important to know your opponent. And I think I already know more about you than you let on."

"Oh? Do tell~"

She sat up from the bed, edging closer to him, their bodies only a few feet apart. "I won't repeat myself. I'm not here to entertain you."

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