Chapter 31: A Spider's Lair

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We sat quietly on a branch looking over the edge. The blue fog just above us our heads, impossible to see through. Mushrooms were more abundant up here from the moisture. The smell was murky, thick and warm in my nose. I didn't like it, but I was here for Ahmad. I noticed his shirt was still torn from the back and shoulder, exposing much of his tanned muscles.

"I know you want to talk to me Raine," he said grabbing my attention. "My mood has been kind of weary since the wolf appeared and I figured you saw something with me in it. It was inevitable."

I looked away. "I'm that obvious?"

He laughed. "You aren't the best liar either. But I'm glad you're with me." His eyes still focused on the rainforest. "I couldn't argue with Kurapika either. Your senses are exceptional."

I hid a smile and studied the forest too. I closed my eyes, listening intently. Sounds of water drops and insect chirps echoed in my ears. There was no wind, so the shaking of branches would give me a hint. Especially for its size. "I hear nothing yet. It doesn't seem close."

"I think so too."

I cleared my throat as we pushed further. "You were right...I did want to talk to you. Well—more like wanted to make sure you're okay. I'm sorry if I'm over stepping my boundaries." A small ache pressed in my throat, my body heating up. I hadn't even used my power on him and yet I had never felt so guilty. I couldn't shake off the cruel ways Riv had the wolf kill. Ahmad hid his past well. His smile was too calming, reminding me how strong he was to move on with his life. And me? I've never experienced killing like that before. The perspective of hurting his mother, as if I did it with my own hands...was haunting.

I could taste the sweat falling to my lips. I wiped my face.

"It's okay, Raine." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "You saw what you saw. I'm certain you were shown all the lives that wolf has taken, and it also confuses me when you show it kindness. It doesn't quite sit well but after hearing your thoughts with Kurapika...all I can do is respect your feelings and decisions. You have the full picture, while we only see what was in front of us."

My heart lightened at his response, yet my body refused to accept it as I remained stiff. He read my thoughts perfectly. It felt like someone was finally listening.

"Your feelings are still valid no matter what," I said. "We both know the enemy now is Riv. Benny was..." I huddled into my knees and sighed. "You didn't know this, but the night before our expedition in the jungle..." I looked down at my hands. "I was about to kill an innocent child, my body controlled by someone else's Nen. And if I hadn't broke out of the trance...well, I knew I couldn't live with myself. So when I saw the wolf kill over and over...with his own hands at someone else's will, I knew that wolf was stronger than me. I wondered how it could stay in this world anymore? But it some how found hope in his life to help us out when I would be too weak to keep going. But the wolf's guilt was immense towards you Ahmad."

Guilt, guilt, guilt. That word seems never ending these days.

Ahmad kept still, lost in thought. I peered forward to continue the scout and we jumped to another area in the tree tops.

"I never got to tell you this, but I also think you're strong," I continued. "You use your past experiences to push through to make things better, when others get lost in their past or block it out." I thought of Kurapika and Hisoka. "And I noticed it within the first few hours of traveling with you." I let out a breath, finally saying it aloud. He deserved to know at the very least.

"Do you not think you're strong?" He asked.

I paused, expecting a different response. "Strong..." I quietly repeated.

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