Chapter 24: Red Eyes

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We continued on the road again. It's been a few hours but we've picked up the pace quite a bit. Ahmad was leading the group informing us about more plants and events at night. I listened from the back. I wanted to walk with Bisky but she was busy being captivated by Ahmad's charms. Kurapika also seemed to be listening in-depth about the plans for tonight.

I can't imagine how eventful the night will be...

Illumi and Hisoka followed closely behind them. There was an eerie distance between us mentally. It didn't feel right to speak to him, but I wasn't going to anyway. He needed some time to process. But no matter what, these secrets will be carried to my grave. I hoped he knew that.

I sighed.

He won't care. Knowing Hisoka, he'll pretend it didn't happen. He'll play charades again for everyone else, despite me knowing the truth. Still, I feel like I'm missing something. Is he a good person?

It seemed selfish, but I was winning the bet. My prediction will come true and maybe he won't fight me. Whether or not he wanted me to, I would have read his life anyways. I got to know him more, his weaknesses. The only advantage he has is knowing I wouldn't use it against him. I couldn't. Emotions are not to be toyed with. So even though this was a game, I truly wanted this outcome for him. He'll figure it out soon enough. If he thinks otherwise, this could go wrong and I might make things worst. But who knows what he'll do once he knows my intentions.

I paused. More shuffles scurried around me but I couldn't detect it. I narrowed my eyes.

There is definitely something here. What kind of creature is this? Is it related to the full moon too?

I ran to the front. No more guessing games, it's real. "Ahmad...I've been hearing something, I think an animal but I'm not sure. I haven't been able to locate it."

He stopped walking. His charming charisma vanished in an instant. Everyone's attention peaked. He crouched down and touched the floor, his eyes closed. "Okay, change of plans, we need to set up camp sooner than later." He goes silent again, everyone waiting for instructions. "We need to stop by water too. And tonight we'll have to sleep in the trees." His eyes narrowed forward. "There is a creature following us, but if it's what I think it is, they won't be visible until night."

"Let us help this time," Bisky said.

"Ah. You can give us the plan," said Kurapika. Illumi and Hisoka tuned in.

"Alright..." He eyed us. Ahmad still didn't know how powerful this group was. "We need to walk another mile before we stop. We might see more creatures in the area. Again, do not attack unless they have red eyes. Other than that, you still report to me for any suspicious movements."

We nodded and followed, no one saying a word. The fog was even thicker, a ghostly ambiance rattled our senses, like walking through a graveyard but its theme was the rainforest. Chirps of loud birds cooed from canopies. The heated fog warmed against my face, droplets of due fell against my waist. Ahmad had his Nen ready, heavier and thicker, leaving everyone on edge.

A loud trumpet noise erupted in the distance. I tensed, sharpening my senses.

"It sounds like an elephant," Bisky observed. We perked our heads left, towards the source of the noise. The trees were more spread out in this area, a vast choppy field of tall grass patched the ground.

"Follow my lead, and turn on Zetsu," Ahmad instructed.

We followed him up a tree and rested on a large branch. Further down the field, a ginormous lime elephant patted the grass. It was beautiful. Its ears were the texture of leaves. Little holes pierced through as if a caterpillar had nibbled on it. Its body wrinkled and lined as if had actual vascular tubes running through it. Festive colors of sea blues and mossy greens decorated its skin. Unlike a regular elephant's anatomy, it had four tusks, all of which were very long and sharp. It also had small horns lining its trunk.

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