Chapter 49: Swallow Your Pride

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I finished the cup of tea Ahmad had given me. His presence never leaving my side.

"Riv can't hurt you?" Kurapika asked. "But he can still use his animals." His arms were crossed trying to comprehend my approach.

"I'm aware." I picked golden jewels out of my hair as we updated each other. My wounded leg extended out, my subconscious still flowing Nen through it. "But he won't expect me to attack. He's not an aggressive person. At least not by nature."

The men tilted their head unsure where I was going. Hisoka sat in front of me resting his head on his hand, fiddling with his card. A small eye roll at the words 'not an aggressive person'.

"That still won't guarantee he won't attack you. Or give you his blood." Kurapika crouched down, all of us surrounding Bisky.

"His weakness is his animals," I continued. "A subtle approach won't send him on offense once we engage but give me a few minutes before you follow through. If he gives me the blood or not, it'll still be enough to carry out the rest of your plan. So either way, you'll get an opening."

"My chains," Kurapika glanced at his wrist, "will render him into Zetsu form. But he has more advantages than Uvo did. His animals, the moon. They could cause a lot of commotion. And there might be other factors unknown. Are you sure you don't want me to heal you?"

I closed my eyes and breathed in the night sky. The fresh air surged directly from the mountains themselves. A smell that I could only get from this jungle.

Riv's skin was as tough as iron. The gem imbedded in his chest. They could do more than I could with their strength versus mine.

"I have enough power to get by from the moon. And even more as it nears the Blood Moon. I would never fall behind when I have a job to do. Bisky needs us. I'll take care of her while you guys go for the gem. I can't be near him anyways once it reaches midnight. Keep your energy full."

There was a blue hue in the sky. The type I would kill to run in the forest with no one but dad. The moonlight above won't turn red until it reached its peak. We still had over an hour to invade. I knew Riv inside and out. I mind as well ask him for blood since I can't take it by force.

"Raine..." Ahmad reached for my forearm with a touch so warm. I thought he was going to tell me to take a break. I thought he would insist on me healing. But all I heard was, "Thank you."

I slowly faced him confused. "For what?"

"For never giving up." His eyes roamed my body. His arm sent subtle vibrations through my skin. My heart thumped at his nervousness for me and yet...he trusted me. Before I could say say something I noticed a small twine wrap around my finger. The tiniest flower I had ever seen glowed at the tip. My body suddenly found the strength to send heat to my cheeks.

He thinks I'm strong...

I bit my lip and flushed. "Why wouldn't I? I remember Kurapika broke his arm but that still never held him back from killing Uvo. And Hisoka casually severed both of his in Heaven's Arena to prove a point. A broken leg...please. I still have three more limbs." I wiggled my fingers.

Hisoka chuckled. "Now how did you find that out?~" Kurapika gave a light smile. Ahmad darted his eyes between us in shock.

"Gon told me." I squinted at him, remembering the unsettling shivers the two boys had just mentioning his name. Hisoka covered his smile with a card, shrugging.

I looked towards the edge of the roof anticipating Benny's presence. And sure enough, he came floating over with a low howl. Ahmad told me he was going to guard Bisky and the encased animals they already captured while we carried out the plan.

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