Chapter 27: A Warm Fire

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Hisoka sat with his cards as everyone gathered around the center tree stump, the fire beaming in the middle. Ahmad had cleared a small opening in the roof for the smoke to escape through, the purple light tinting the base. He started handing out more food to everyone.

"So what happened when we were gone?" Ahmad asked Bisky, handing her fruit.

Illumi and Hisoka sat together with Raine joining him on his right. She started writing in her little notepad as Bisky sat beside her.


Raine, Kurapika, and Ahmad left the base. Hisoka's eyes followed curiously as they disappeared through the trees.

Bisky grabbed the herbs, meticulously brushing her clothes with the scent. She was humming a small tune to herself. Illumi kept still in his hammock.

Hisoka stood up. "Might I ask where they went?~"

"To the lake," she answered. He looked over to the water.

"Okay, I'll be going now~" He casually walked to the edge of the base when a sharp wind lifted his damp hair. A branch had skewered a leaf in front of him.

"Oh no, you don't. Stay put." Bisky crossed her arms.

"My my, such accuracy. Impressive~" He turned away again.

"Hisoka, they went off to talk about something for the mission. You aren't interested in that anyway," she said.

"Who says I was going to join them?~"

"He is upset he loses to Raine," Illumi instigated. A suppressed smile hid under the assassin's yawn as he leaned on one hand. Hisoka scowled before brushing it off.

"Loses?" Bisky asked.

"Illumi, you are pushing it~" Hisoka slowly tilted his head.

Bisky tapped her foot, a sneaky smile spreading over her face. "Ooooh, is there a hidden game I don't know about?"

Hisoka displayed his charming smile facing her. "Careful, I wouldn't want to upset Raine by revealing her secrets~"

Bisky is nosy as well, but she has a soft spot for her~

Bisky placed a hand on her hip contemplating before she huffed. "Help start the fire at least." She rolled up her sleeves, placing twigs in the middle.

Illumi stood up, a bundle of herbs in his hand. "Hmm, these give off a strong scent, yet it almost smells like nothing." He placed them in his pocket. "I'll be sure to make good use of these later."

While Illumi was occupied, Hisoka tiptoed away leaving him by his hammock. A sneaky smile crawled up his face. He reached for a branch to step off the base.


His heart jumped. Illumi sat before him crouched on the branch. Silent as ever.

"Yes?~" he cooed.

"You didn't finish putting on your makeup."

Hisoka blinked a few times before he scoffed, leaning into the assassin's face. He gently pulled the slick black locks of Illumi's hair forward, letting it glide through his hand. "Do you find pleasure in torturing me?~ If so you should have just said so. Be a dear and save it for when we get back."

Illumi pressed a thumb to Hisoka's cheek. "Your unusual habits are a futile tactic to remove obstacles."

"Then what does, hmm?~" Hisoka flicked his tongue over his lips. "Why do you get in my way?"

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