Chapter 34: A Heist

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Hisoka and Ahmad traveled west, the village coming into sight. The cavern was about half a mile from the civilization. The entire area was surrounded by thick mountains. Sunlight reflecting over treetops. Two giant temples sat on opposite ends. The guard's tower was on ground level. A dull stone in a sturdy grey shade covered in vines, hiding deep within thick trees. Only the top could be seen but it was probably the size of the Hunter's Association building. The Chief's temple could be seen on a mountain east of the village, a dangerous ledge spilling a waterfall into a glistening deep blue lake. In between the main towers was a market with bamboo and palm trees lining the clay buildings. Rows of shops spread up the mountains. Modern architect that seemed surprisingly developed. Buildings stood two stories high. Stairs and columns were engraved in tribal textures. The society was more proper and symmetric than they had expected. But what stood out the most, was the number of animals roaming around naturally. Were they pets? Women and children were riding on or walking next to large beasts. Tigers decorated with gold jewelry prowled casually with families of small children.

"We couldn't have found this while flying over?~" Hisoka asked Ahmad.

"I don't know if you noticed but the cave we went through was not ordinary. Long ago, a guard's power was to hide small objects in plain sight. When he used the Blood Moon's power, he was able to conceal the entire village with secret passageways. As you can see, the gem's power is too powerful."


"Come on, we'll have to sneak in around the back. The temple is a maze so Benny is our best chance to find her," he said taking the lead.

As they approached the forest, it was obvious there were eyes in the trees. An annoying presence pressuring them.

"Zetsu," Ahmad whispered. They both climbed the massive tree trunks. Hisoka using bungee gum and Ahmad using vines. They sped from branch to branch fast enough to be missed if you blinked.

Not bad~ Hisoka thought acknowledging his endurance.

They perched on the tree leaves outside the temple, just out of sight. "We cannot kill everyone in there?~" Hisoka bit his lip. "It is pretty exhausting to hold my urges in~"

"Shhh," Ahmad focused on his surroundings.

Hisoka rolled his eyes and gently flicked a card at him. "There's nothing there, jungle boy~"

"How do you know?"

"Because the dog is visible. And when he's visible, his aura shows. He wouldn't expose himself unless there's no danger. Come on now, let's not be slow~" Hisoka lifted his chin.

"Hmmm, well let's not be hasty either, I doubt we could just walk into the temple. A maze means there's only one correct path with other distractions. Benny could simply float through and find her... but it's a different story for us. I don't think Riv is here either. He must have left the Warden or the General in command."

The dog floated down to a window. Commotions could be heard from within. Guards holding spears were running by the entrance.

"Something's happening and we're not even in yet?" Ahmad gritted his teeth. "If Raine fights back, they'll--

Hisoka released his Zetsu and stood tall, piercing his gaze at the temple before him. "I'm going in there now and if you slow me down, you'll be left behind~"

Ahmad smirked and stood with him. "I'm right behind you."


Bisky and Kurapika strolled through the market. Tall cement buildings with a sandy dirt path scattered from ground level up to the mountain. Illumi had disappeared to the roof, lurking in his assassin form. At first, he was hesitant to help, so Bisky offered him payment. Now he was scouting for animals that could be posing as security. The market was buzzing with loud commotions. People were in a rush, holding large baskets. They were filled with all kinds of items.

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