Chapter 35: An Escape

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My eyelids were heavy, almost impossible to lift. My head was pounding. The room- it was warm. My muscles...

I can't move...what am I...where...

I slightly peeled my eyelids open, just enough to see that I'm in a large room. The walls were made of stone bricks. Empty except for-

"Well well well... someone's awake," a strange deep voice teased.

A crook in my neck throbbed as my head hung forward. Maybe I could lift it, but I kept my head down and open my senses...feeling everything my bare skin touched. My body slumped against the wall. I was sitting on the floor, my arms raised. Cold, heavy chains wrapped around my arms. There was a tingling sensation in my nerves. My muscles. Something sizzling inside.

The spider.....the webs. How long have I been out? I'm paralyzed...

Someone's presence in front of me. Someone devious and cold. But another presence sat closer. Moving.



"I'm surprised, doctor. You said it would be's only been thirty minutes." The voice echoed again. His voice was so grumbly, smoky. Mischievous.

"That is surprising. Feral stay back, we don't know what she's capable of." Another man in the room. He was further away.


Again, I heard a snake. I attempted to open my eyes again, blinking, facing down. There, a violet snake rattled on my lap.

Hmmm... I studied it. Remaining calm or else the animal would expose my consciousness.

"Hello. I'm Feral and you are?"

Shoot it's too late--

I gasped. A sudden weight missing.

My necklace! Of course, it was taken. Stupid!

My body surged awake. Alarmed.

"M-my necklace," I mustered out, my limbs numb.

The man lifted my chin up. "Oh my, hello."

My mind attempted to relay possible scenarios that would happen now. But this man in front of me was too close. His hair was unkempt and also a pale violet color. His skin was more fair than tanned. His eyes were a deep grey. He wasn't wearing a shirt, only white pants. His chin dotted with stubble. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties, and needed sleep. Pigmented eye bags darkened below.

"Wow, you have pretty eyes. Joyo are you getting this?"

I looked away feeling discomforted at their stares.

"Awe don't be shy." Feral teased again.

"You're right. Her eyes... hmmm. You don't think...?" Joyo said. He was also fair-skinned with maroon hair. He was covered in a white sari, not shirtless like the other man. He wore glasses and held them with his fingers as he studied my eyes.

"Oh yeah....the 'Moon's gift'." Feral smiled maniacally.

The snake kept slithering on my lap. Its aura showed a normal animal, not that it made it any less deadly. I realized more things were missing. My bag was gone. My blades not on my belt.

Did they— my note! If they read it...oh no.

I glared at him.

What do they know? I need to get out of here ASAP.

Feral chuckled. "You're the one who makes my boss angry. I'm going to have plenty of fun with you." His aura was thick and black.

"Well, she's in good condition to question now. Her body should still be paralyzed but her brain is active." Joyo made his way out of the room. "Oh, and don't make a mess please." The door shut. Feral rolled his eyes, still holding my chin.

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