Chapter 46: Sharp Ends

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"I knew something was up." Feral grabbed Kurapika's hand as he lead him away. Chills still tingled from his skin from the itching Blood Lust.

Kurapika followed, unquestioning of the situation. They had left just before the Chief was about to come out. Feral ran anxiously through the halls. Wandering left and right. It was peculiar. A different Blood Lust than Riv's but terrifying all the same. Still, it sent a rattling wake-up call to him. Feral's instincts kicking in.

As they opened the door to the kitchen, Feral's body froze, squeezing Kurapika's hand with immense force. His pupils twitched, Feral caught his breath as if he hit a wall. He jumped back out of the kitchen, hiding behind a corner.

Kurapika finally took over, yanking him towards him, grabbing his shoulders. "Speak Feral."

"T-the food. The drinks. It smelled off. I-it's been poisoned! Everyone..." Feral dropped to his knees. Guilt flooded in him.

Kurapika gritted his teeth. "DAMN IT! Then we need to dispose of the guards quickly. Everyone in the room right now."

Feral covered his face. "But I knew. That poison is that of Riv's animal. The stupid dragon! I copied his poison. I should have sensed it sooner!"

"Shhh don't make a scene!" Kurapika covered his mouth but Feral ripped it off.

"It doesn't matter if they'll all be dead! Everyone in that room!" Feral balled his fist. "N-not again..."

"Stop panicking and think first. Can you make an antidote?"

Feral shook his head. "I need an actual antidote to copy the chemicals. But I don't know anything about this poison. It's from an animal I've never seen before."

Kurapika stood him up, grabbing his forearms. Feral widened his eyes at his sudden strength, lifting him off the ground with ease. "Ahmad might know. We need to spray the gas to the guards then find him. Starting...with this kitchen."


"Where's Riv?" I asked slowly taking steps through the room behind the throne. The marble floor pressed cold against my bare feet. I stood my ground as a guard approached me.

"He left to take care of business matters," he said. He seemed to be a different guard because there were still the three others in their original places before I left for the stage. Their aura still buzzing with fear.

I closed my eyes contemplating. Events ordering in my head with clues attached to each scenario.

Riv listened to our conversation. He left the moment the Chief walked in. And even though he was to be introduced again...

He must have known the result of the Chief's death. That coward ran away.

I opened my eyes.

He knows not to stay here. He's starting his plans sooner. He's left these people.

The guard assisted me, holding me up.

"Take me out there, please. Take me to the people."

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, your highness."


"Just Raine is fine! And why not? I have um- important matters to take care of." I formed a stern face to keep my dominance. I needed to chase after him. Hisoka and Illumi were in there. And hopefully, Ahmad is around to help me. Plan or not, I'm getting out of here myself.

"Riv's request was to take you to your room where you cannot leave until further notice." He stood resolute.

No, leaving my room will be hard enough...or unless...I use the window!

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