Chapter 29: A Friendly Encounter

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It was the next morning. Everyone started walking north, Ahmad leading the front. Monkeys could be heard howling from a distance, the air humid and thick. Raine and Bisky were up ahead admiring butterflies. The ambiance mostly silent.

"Illumi are you really doing anything when we get there?~" Hisoka asked.

"Actually, I want a souvenir."

"Oh? I didn't take you as a collector~"

"I'm not but there's a certain plant I need. It's called an 'Eye-ris'. They only grow here and I thought I'd get a seed."

"New hobby?~"

"No, it's to watch Killua more closley. The plant has high sensory abilities that detect movements. Killua would detect cameras and anyone watching but he shouldn't be able to detect plants. If I plant the original seed in my room, it produces smaller secondary seeds that can be planted elsewhere and report information to the original plant by sending signals between each other. I'm going to use it for other purposes of course but that is not your concern."

"I see~ you did your research. Will you ask Jungle Boy for assistance?~"


Something sweet filled the air, like nectar spilling from trees. An aroma shifting everyone's attention. Deep pink blossom leaves soon replaced the thick greenery. A small breeze picked up, warmth mixing from the humidity.

"What's that sweet smell?" Bisky asked.

"That would be our late breakfast." Ahmad said. "We'll stop here for thirty minutes. We have a long way to go but we need an item here."

"Wow this place doesn't even look like the jungle anymore," Raine said studying the open area with sparkling eyes.

A small flat field of glistening emerald grass gradually appeared, decorated with decomposing leaves of fuchsia. An absence of vines and tall canopies. Purple-tinted water carved jagged rocks around the perimeter of the field. The open sky cleared shadows, making the ground reflect bright highlights. But at the edge, trees were still bundled close together, creating its own shadows from the sun.

"Yes, the temperature is dryer here, prompting less vegetation, but the chemicals released from these trees are what actually prohibits or inhibits the growth of certain plants." He walked under one of the blossoms. "As you can see, these are flowering trees that produce fruit. The only plants allowed in this biome. You can pick the golden grape-like fruits to eat but be careful that they don't have insects near them. Other than that this area is pretty safe."

"Why didn't we stay the night here then?" Kurapika asked.

"A night in this place is another story," Amhad laughed. "Don't let this pretty habitat fool you. It's supposed to feel welcoming for a reason."

Kurapika and Bisky looked at eachother.

"I didn't know there were places like this in the jungle. It's so beautiful." Raine started pacing back and forth between trees, her head facing the sky with curious eyes.

"Didn't I tell you cinta?" Ahmad charmingly ran his hand through his hair, smoothing it out.

Hisoka kept his composure.

"So the item we need here is a 'stoned cone'," he continued. "They're kind of like whistles that will help us communicate with each other when we separate. They only grow in this biome and are kind of hard to find so spread out and hurry. You'll find them located higher up."

Everyone dispersed into the pink biome.

Hisoka's blood lust flickered. He leaned in to Illumi, "Do me a favor and keep jungle boy busy?~"

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