Chapter 21: The Jujib Jungle (PART III)

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Part III:

I woke up with great fatigue.

Mmmph, I grimaced. As I sat up, a small knot pulled on my torso. My body wanted more sleep but I couldn't. Not after what I saw...

I immediately stood up and walked towards the window, resting my head by the opening and letting the breeze hit my face. The sun smoothed over my goosebumps, the warmth waking me up. It forced a small smile to grow on me, even with the weight of my exhaustion.

What I would give to become a bird and fly away for a bit.

But I still couldn't escape. The visions...the head pounded heavily. I let out a sigh.

What would dad tell me? 'Raine, help me pick the cucumbers and squash, then you can go meditate on a tree or something.'

I laughed for an instant, then looked down, tracing my finger along the window seal. I could recall Hisoka's childhood like my own. I couldn't tear my eyes away and had given all my energy to keep going. Ajij was right. That's what happened in this city.

My ears still rang, as if Kesem was next to me. The little girl who experienced all that...her poor future. But then I remembered something. I turned to my dresser, my father's note on the desk.

I miss you, I thought.

I read the note.

My throat choked on my own heart.


My eyes swam through the words, scooping up the information from my father.

"...Necklace...your mother's....your grandmother...Blood moon..."

I gasped. This I didn't know. I groaned, palming my forehead.

I knew Ahmad knew something. I just assumed he would tell us today but...this is too important. How would it affect us? My family...

I should confront him later.

I stood up and headed to Bisky's room.

"Goodmorning," she said walking out of the bathroom. Her hair dripped wet from a steamy shower. Her gaze immediately fixated on my wound. "What happened? Your Nen doesn't seem to be healing your wound."

"Oh, I just-

Shoot what do I say.

"--I'm just feeling drained right now," I told her, which wasn't a complete lie. I forcibly stilled my hand from fidgeting.

"Raine I know you're lying." She put a hand on her hip. I smiled nervously. "But I won't pry. I wasn't there to see everything, I know it must have been hard for you. Come on let's get coffee." She grabbed something from the dresser and handed it to me. "Here I got you some clothes. Ahmad helped me pick it out from the travels."

I eyed the garments. It was beautiful, reflecting the culture here with crossed sashes that swayed at the hips. It kind of reminded me of Hisoka's look though. The baggy white pants snatched my ankles, lined with golden lace. Though the jewelry was rich and complimenting, I took some off the belt as it weighed me down. I kept the necklace and adored the sheer fabric of the top.

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