Chapter 37: The Warden: Part 1

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Feral and I crouched inside a storage closet. It was completely dark and a little cramped, though I could see just fine.

"So how do we get there?" I said. "I can't leave without my bag and weapons."

"The warden's office is on the top floor of the prison," he whispered.

"Perfect." I took a step forward.

Feral grabbed my shoulder. "Hold on doll, the Chief asked for you thinking you returned the necklace on your own. You're supposed to be presented to him soon. Joyo will realize we're gone and notify the General. Everyone is aware of your capture because you allowed the ceremony to continue tonight."

"What? Then why were you torturing me?"

"Because you're still a threat to the boss. I think he knows you're trying to defeat him, but if the Chief got ahold of you, you'll be heavily guarded where Riv can keep his eyes on you at the ceremony until he catches your friends."


"Then we have to move fast. Tell me your Nen ability, and anything else I should know. "

He sighed. "I'm a transmuter. I can turn my aura into poisons, liquid and gas. There are three high ranking officers here that guard the temple." Feral held out three fingers. "The General, the Warden, and the Boss's right-hand man. The General is a transmuter, her aura turns to flames. She organizes the guards and animal positions inside the village. The Warden is always here and doesn't leave. He's very dangerous, a specialist."

My eyes widened though he couldn't see. "I don't think I've ever met a specialist before."

"He comes from a manipulation type category. He can block the energy within people, 'chi'. Whatever body part he touches, it becomes paralyzed and loses its ability to function for a set amount of time. This includes rendering Nen useless."

"If it's only touching...I think I can handle him." I studied the door light underneath, anticipating shadowed footsteps.

"How? He's really fast."

"I mainly do close-combat because I can see the near future, my opponent's moves. But if I am to do any damage, I need my blades. My abilities are not really for offense. I only use short bursts of enhancement techniques in my fighting for stronger impact. But other than that, I spend most of my energy focused in my eyes or senses."

"Like a spy?"

I smiled, "Sure."


He still suspected me. I found it funny that he ended up coming with me.

"Anyways...." he continued. "The right-hand man. The real spy. He's actually an animal."


"I've only heard rumors. He's hardly seen, but he's basically the Boss's eyes around the jungle and village."

"Does he have any type of hidden ability?" I asked still listening for approaching people.

"Yes. I thought it was like a chameleon or something but it turns out to be an animal with claws. Invisible."

I paused. My eyebrows scrunched at the familiarity.


"Um- and this is just a guess- but does it growl viciously or anything?"

"Hmm...yeah, actually it does. I overheard the Warden talking to it but all it did was growl."

"Oh, he won't be a problem anymore."

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