Chapter 10: Forbidden Fruit

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Illumi studied the cards laid out in front of him, planning his next move.

"When must you take the target out by?~" Hisoka asked.

Illumi flipped a card over, then turned it back. "A week coincidentally. He's paying three billion. Not much if you ask me."


Hisoka flipped two cards of a pair, winning the match. "Better luck next time~" He held his cards then waved them around, suddenly turning them into butterflies as they fluttered away.

"I'm not a fool. I know you cheated," Illumi challenged. "I memorized where they were, you must have changed their faces."

"Ah, fine eyes you have. You should have said something sooner Ilu~ Yes, to win the game you must catch me cheating before it ends." Hisoka raised his arms to stretch out his side. "You know how I love making things more interesting~"

"Shouldn't you be watching her fight?" Illumi asked. They both whisked their heads to Raine, who was sparing Bisky in a chaotic frenzy. Both of their movements collided with blows enough to kill, but their faces remained neutral. Unappalled. It was even, despite Raine's natural upper hand. Hisoka's eyes carefully followed their footwork. It was obvious Raine wasn't at her best. Her eyes didn't have that fire like they did when they fought, which means she only gives her effort for what she thinks is worth the fight. Not some mere sparring match.

"I've fought her enough to know her basic moves. Her focus is always on defense, and she rarely uses her weapon. She's also never caught by surprise, but that's where I come in~" Hisoka cocked his head, fixed on their sophisticated movements. He almost felt proud of himself, as if he discovered a rare treasure that no one knew about. This 'toy' fell into his hands when he was just starting to get bored, and fun wouldn't even describe the sensation he'd get from her crippling death. Hisoka exhaled in a delighted hum.

"I'm pretty sure her eyes have something to do with her fighting skills. Her moves look...planned out." Illumi continued. Raine tripped but immediately rolled out, grabbing Bisky's leg without a hint of surprise. Each counter and attack was followed by another fluid motion, making the scene feel like a choreographic dance. Just when Hisoka was about to comment, Illumi asked, "Can she see the future?" They both raised their eyebrows because an unexpected power would actually turn the tables.

Hisoka faced Illumi. "That's quite the insight. I knew I made the right decision bringing you along." He slumped forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I'd so like to test that~"

But Raine cried out in pain, something that might have flawed their theory. Hisoka narrowed his eyes.


"Huh?" Kurapika asked approaching them. "What was that?"

"Raine fell into the river," Illumi pointed out.

"Hmmm. Well, that reminds me. I'm going to catch some fish for tonight before it gets dark out. Would you two mind helping?"

"Sure," Illumi answered. Hisoka snapped his fingers, and the rest of the playing cards vanished into smoke. The men made their way downstream where the water pushed fish into a lake.

The sun began setting as burnt orange trails of light whisked outwards from the horizon. The moon peeked from the opposing side, balancing the atmosphere with absent colors.

"Hisoka, stay here by the shallow end of the river where fish are more likely to rush through and swim at the surface." Kurapika pointed to the stones and jagged rocks sticking out of the water. There, fish were already hitting the rocks and flopping at the surface from the sudden obstacles. An area just before the opening to the lake.
"Throw your cards out to stab them. I'll conjure a net so Illumi and I will use it further down to catch them."

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