Chapter 30: It's Official

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Falling in Love with Hollywood's Golden Boy

Chapter 30: It's Official 







Maddie's POV

So I was deciphering on wether I should go to school or not. I mean I sure as hell do want to rub it in Kendall's face but I sure as hell didn't wanted to be trampled and bombarded with questions.

But last night was actually fun. After Drew and I danced we went to see our grandparents and it was good to know that we could do that kind of stuff public now. And it was also good to hear that Joe was better already. My grandma was dead but my grandpa still went to the nursing home like Drew's grandfather.

So I had taked my shower and had gotten dressed, brushed my teeth and everything but I was still indecisive on if I should go to school.

And then my phone vibrated.

*Mornin baby, check your instagram and twitter. ;) - Drew

*Sure but why?* - Maddie

*Just do it! But I gtg, ciao :* *- Drew

*Bye* - Maddie

I rolled my eyes before checking my instagram and twitter.

My eyes widened as I looked at my instagram.

I had turned off my notifications because it was just all getting way too much and annoying last night.

But I was still shocked at what I saw on my phone. My mouth was literally on the floor.

My little 302 followers I had on instagram was now 120K (120,000). Most of my pictures had over a thousand likes and way too many comments for me to actually go through.

And the little 144 followers I had on twitter were now 99K (99,000). A lot of my tweets were favorited and retweeted.

I was so shocked I think I had drool spilling out of my mouth.

Oh, ew.

I wiped my mouth and put my phone back it my pocket.

Now, I really didn't want to go to school today.

"Madeline Bates! Get down here and drive yourself and Natalie to school before you're both late!" My mom shouted from downstairs.


So much for wanting to stay home.


Natalie and I exited my car and parted ways as walked to the school and as soon I entered the school, everyone started whispering.

"She's the one dating Drew Parker."

"She's the fricken mystery girl?!"

"She needs to die. Like, NOW!"

"She took my man. Bitch is goin down."

And then a whole swarm of girls were coming at me.

"So how does it feel to be dating Drew, Maddie?"

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