Chapter 20: Our Day: Part 2

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          Chapter 20: Our day: Part 2

Maddie’s POV 
(Saturday, February 9, 2013) 5 days (Valentine’s Day is on Thursday, February 14, 2013)

We already finished our first game and now we’re almost done with the second. 

Drew had 150 points while I had 130. 

The screen said Drew’s name on it; telling him that’s his turn to bowl. 

Drew picked up his ball and rolled it down the lane.

Arg!!! Not again!! 

“Double!” Drew shouted and started doing a dance.

“Oh shut up” I said. 

“Grouchy, eh?” He smirked. 

“No” I said and went to pick up my ball.

I already had one strike and all I needed was another.

So I got in my stance and rolled the ball down. Almost… Almost. I tilted my body to the side. 

“YES!” I shouted throwing my arms up in the air.

“Sucker” I said. 

“Okay, whatever. We all know I’ll win anyways. The only way you’ll win is if I don’t get this turkey and you get one instead.” He said. 

“Well it’s on” I said. 

“Okay” He raised an eyebrow and then turned around to bowl. 

And as he got ready to release the ball; I screamed, “Boo!” In his ear and he threw the ball forward; making it go in the gutter.

He turned around and glared at me. “I hate you. I really hate you.” He said and then went to bowl his second time.

“Paybacks a bitch” I smirked. 

He crunched his eyebrows at me in confused but then realized.

“I coughed!” He exclaimed. 

“Sure you did” I said. 

He rolled his eyes and bowled again; probably hoping he’d get a spare. 

Not a fat chance, bucko. 

Instead of getting a spare; he only got 5 pins knocked down.

“Dammit” He swore. 

“Don’t worry; it’s okay to lose sometimes.” I said and patted his head. 

He glared at me and then sat down. 

Look who’s the sore loser now! 

So I picked my bowl, looked behind me to make sure Drew wasn’t going to pull anything and then breathed in and out. 

I kept wishing in my head for another strike and then I let go of the ball and let it roll down the alley. 
It started going to the left by every small move.

“Aww crap” I said and then plopped down in my chair.

“Aww… Don’t worry. It’s okay to lose sometimes.” He smiled.

I shot daggers at him and then looked at the score screen to see how many pins I knocked down. 


On the screen in big bold letters,spelled theword STRIKE.

How is that even possible? 

Oh. It was probably an honest mistake that the computer made. 

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