Chapter 11: Doo-wops and hooligans

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I called my chapter doo-wops and hooligans according to Bruno Mar's interpretation.

~That's what you call your girl, your 'doo-wop." I call my girlfriend my "doo-wop"! On this album, I have records that women are going to relate to and men are going to relate to. So doo-wops are for the girls, and hoolignas are for the guys," Bruno said.~

                                                                           Chapter 13

Maddie’s POV

‘Trying to tell you "no" but my body keeps on telling you "yes".

Trying to tell you to stop, but your lipstick got me so out of breath.’

I hear my ringtone, One More Night by Maroon 5, go off in the living room, but I’m eating breakfast and too lazy to go and get it.

‘I'd be waking up in the morning, probably hating myself.

And I'd be waking up, feeling satisfied but guilty as hell.’

Ugh…. Shut up!

‘But baby there you go again, there you go again, making me love you.

Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head, let it all go.

Got you stuck on my body, on my body, like a tattoo.

“Are you gonna get that?” Natalie asked; coming into the kitchen in her pajamas.

I rolled my eyes.

‘And now I'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid, crawling back to you.’

“Alright, I’m coming!” I yelled at my phone that upstairs in my bedroom.

So I jump out of my seat and run into the living room because it’s almost over.

‘So I cross my heart and I hope to die

That I'll only stay with you one more night

And I know I said it a million times

But I'll only stay with you one more night.’

“Hello?” I answered the phone without even bothering to look at caller ID because I answered it right before it ended.

“Madeline Bates… You’re driving me to school…You have some major explaining to do.” Rachel said on the phone and then hung up.

What the hell was that about?

I just shrugged it off and went back downstairs with my phone to finish my Cap’n Crunch Berries.

“Who was it?” Natalie asked me.

“Rachel” I said.

“She’s annoying” Natalie says while scratching her messy bed head.

“Hey, watch it! That’s my best friend you’re talking about.” I snapped.

“Geesh, chill, Madz. I love her too; she’s just reeeeaaally annoying sometimes.” She said.

“True” I said; shrugging my shoulders.

I finished eating my cereal and put my bowl in the sink.

I rinsed my mouth out and grabbed my keys.

“Alright mom, I’m going!” I shouted.

“But you have 20 minutes” She complained.

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