Chapter 37: Forgiving Horny Men

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Falling in Love with Hollywood’s Golden Boy

Chapter 37: Forgiving Horny Men

Okayy my little pritties. Lol I say okay a lot in my authors notes. But anyways; I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

and you guys should be greatful that this chapter is extra long. Jokinggg!! But I hope you guys are happy that I made it long.





Maddie’s POV

I wrapped the towel around my chest as I walked out of the bathroom to get my clothes.

I saw Drew sitting on the corner of the bed, his head in between his knees.

I rolled my eyes as I got out two Aspirin’s and a glass of milk.

“Take this” I handed it out to him.

He looked up at me with a groggy face expression. “Thanks” He slightly smiled at me.

I nodded at him before making my way back into the bathroom to change.

Why was I being nice to him? I have no idea why. After how he’s treated for the past day, I should be giving him hell but I would do that once his hangover was over.

I looked at myself in the mirror and stared at myself.

What does Drew even see in me? I asked myself.

My hair was boring compared to other girls that threw their selves at him. The only thing good about my hair was the color. I had natural highlights in my brown hair but that was it.

 My eyes were a dull green from the lack of sleep I got last night and my lips were awfully dry.

You’re sure as hell are not perfect either, Maddie. You’re nowhere near it.

I know I wasn’t perfect so I never tried to act like I was.

His words kept ringing in my head like a broken record.

Those unshed tears that I have been holding in for the past day or two finally came out.

I stared at myself as I let the tears unleash down my face.

I wasn’t worth his time. He was Drew Parker for crying out loud. How did I ever think that he and I could work out? Celebrity relationships never last. I’m mean look at Denzel Washington and Pauletta Pearson. They were married forever and even had kids and it just eventually pummeled into a big multi-million dollar divorce. Drew had made me feel special. He had made me feel lucky because he had picked me out of billions of girls to date. But sitting here had made me realize that this was only a dream and I was about to wake up soon.

So I stared into my own eyes one more time before wiping my eyes and going back into the bedroom.

I ignored Drew’s stare and tried not to make any sort of eye contact with him as I tried to stuff the rest of my stuff in my suitcase.

Damn, suitcase! I thought as I struggled to zipper it up.

I got on the bed and jumped on the suitcase; trying to flatten it more.

I saw Drew come over to me and tried to help me zipper it up. “Let me do it.”

“I got it” I said to him as I lightly shooed his hands away.

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