Chapter 9: The second date Part 1

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Chapter 9
(1 week later)

Maddie's POV

After waking up, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed and eating breakfast; I waited for Drew to come pick me up.

Why was he even picking me up? I mean why can’t we just go on a date where we meet up?

‘Don’t worry about it and just have fun.’

‘What do you know about fun?’

‘Not much, but you like hanging out with Drew, and you know it; so don’t deny it.’

‘I’m not admitting anything’

‘Just admit you enjoy his presence.’


‘Admit it, Maddie’

‘Leave me alone!’

‘Admit it!’

A horn honked and snapped me out of one of my internal conversations.

I think I’m officially losing it.

“Kay, bye mom!” I yelled into the kitchen.

“Bye sweetie and when can I meet this boy that is taking you out today?” She asked; putting her hands on her hips.


“How about you bring him in now real quick?” She said; walking to the door.

“No! Mom; no” “You’ll umm… meet him some other time.” I hesitated.

Nobody could know that I was going out with Drew Parker today. Nobody; not even my own mother.

The only person I really trust is Betty.

“Ugh, fine; have a good time.” She said and hugged me.

“Thanks” I said and walked out the door.

“Lookin’ good!” He shouted from his car.

“Umm… thanks?” I said.

Why’d he say that? I don’t look that good.

“So where are we going?” I asked while getting in the car.

“Can’t tell you” He says.

“And why not?” I asked

“Because it’s a surprise” He smirked.

I grunted.

He started driving and we stayed in silent for about 5 minutes.

“So tell me about yourself.” He said.

“Can’t” I replied.

“Why?” He asks.

“Because it’s a surprise” I mocked.

“Ha Ha Ha… Funny” He sarcastically laughed.

“I know right?” I sarcastically said.

“No seriously; I need to know more about you.” He got serious.

“No seriously; I’m not telling you.” I mocked in a low voice.

He growled. “Look, fine; I’ll make you a deal. After very info you give me about yourself; I’ll give you a hint to where we’re going.” He said

“Hmmm” I pretended to think. “Deal”

“Good… so favorite color?” He started.

“Green; but if you want to get specific; I’d say lime.” I answered. “Alright now hint” I said.

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