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HEY guys, I know you were hoping this was a chapter but I'm sorry it's not.

I just want to let you guys know that I just posted a new sotry called 'SURF' 

So I really hope you guys could go and check it out. VOTING or COMMENTING on it woud be great.

I just literally posted it like 5 minutes ago, lol.

It has no chapters yet but it does have a description that I thought was really good, so please check it out and comment on the story and tell me what you think about it. Cause if it doens't get many READS, VOTES OR COMMENTS within like the first 5 chapters, then I might just dump it, idk.

But I really like what I have planned in mind for this story and I really hope I can continue to write it on here.

So just please check it out and I'll see y'all soon.

Thanks guys!!!!

XOXO, Alysia.

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