Chapter 31: Confessions

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CHAPTER 31: Confession






Maddie's POV

Saying I was shocked was to say the least. I was sad and upset was an understatement. I didn't know how to respond to that. I was still thinking about what he said over and over in my head for the past 2 minutes.

"Maddie?" He called me.

"Huh?" I asked; snapping back into reality.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked.

"Uh... Yeah" I said, lowly.

And he just nodded.

"Why do you have to go back?" I asked.

Maddie, you're so stupid. He's a popstar for godsakes. He's supposed to go on tour. 

"Because I've already been out of it long enough. I only stayed because my grandpa was nearly dying. But now that he's better and that my concerts have been rescheduled; I have to go back on tour now." He explained.

I frowned at the thought that he didn't stay because of me but then I shook it off because he barely knew me when he first cancelled it.

But I kinda wish I was his reason for staying, but then I'd feel guilty for holding everything up.

"How long?" I whispered so low that I don't even think I heard it.

"What?" He asked me.

"I said, how long?" I repeated

He kept opening and closing his mouth, hesitating while he decides if he wanted to tell me or not.

And I could have sworn I heard him say 5 months.

"W-what?" I suttered, nervously.

".... 5 months." He repeated.

My heart just definitely dried up, fell out of my chest and got stepped on all on the floor and broken into a million pieces.

5 months?!

I was supposed to be away from my boyfriend for 5 months?! 

And I guess he saw my reaction because he then tried to calm me down.

"Hey, Maddie, calm down. It'll be okay." He half smiled, assuringly.

"Yeah, right"

Everyone knows long distance relationships don't work out.

He'll freaking be in Australia or Romania while I'm still here in New York being the loser I am, waiting for him to come back.

"It will, okay? Nothings gonna happen. So what I'll be gone for five months or possible longer?-"

"Possibly longer?!" I exclaimed as I stared at him wide eyed.

"Ooo, maybe I shouldn't have said that." He said, regretfully.


"And why not?" I asked; giving him a 'you better tell me' look.

"It's nothing, okay? There's just a slight possibility that the tour might get extended if my concerts turn out good." He said, waiting for my reaction.

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