Chapter 27: Masquerade Ball

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CHAPTER 27: Masquerade Ball 

Okay guys! I know you guys have been waiting a while and I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorryy!!

I started writing this chapter on my grandmas laptop but then it broke down and I couldnt get it off of it so I had to re type this as best as I could. So don't hate meeee! :( I could use my Macbook air too but it doesn't have Microsoft Word on it. But whatevs. This chapter is finally posted. And I have been wanting to write this story for a week now, so you guys aren't the only ones that suffered.


Okay let me stop blabbling so you can read.  ENJOY!







Maddie's POV

"We're here!" Drew exclaimed and pulled next to a curb.

I looked out the car window and my mouth dropped to the floor and my eyes widened in surprise.

"W-w-what are we doing here?" I asked.

"We're gonna have some fun" He smiled.

"Here" He took something out of the glove compartment. "Wear this" And he handed me a pink mask that had was bedazzled and had light pink feathers. (PIC ON SIDE IN CHAPTER 26)

"It's beautiful" I smiled.

"That's why I picked it out for you" He said.

I kept smiling before saying. "But next time; lay low on the pink, okay? Pink is not exactly my favorite color." I said.

He chuckled. "Okay"

"So you ready?" He asked.

"Not exactly" I said; starting to get nervous now.

I had every right to be though! We were at a fricken masquerade ball that was full of celebrities for crying out loud! I'm probably the only normal person here.

"Hey, look; don't worry about anything, okay? I took you here so we could have a good Valentine's Day and a good night; so just don't worry about anything and have fun." He smiled his winning smile at me.

"Okay, I will" I smiled back at him.

He pecked me on the lips one time before putting his black mask on and getting out of the car to be a gentleman and help me out.

And when I stepped out of the car; loud noises hit my ear. There were fans cheering all over the place.

There was a red carpet leading to the entrance of the ballroom that everyone had to walk down.

My palms started to get a little sweaty and that rarely happens.

Drew linked his arms with mine as we approached the beginning of the red carpet where the guars were.

Drew lifted up his mask before the guards smiled at him and let us through.

"We have to be careful though, Drew; tonight is an easy way for our secret to get out." I said.

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