Chapter 14: Kiss don't tell and other problems

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                                                          Chapter 14

Maddie's POV

"Joe" Drew replied.

"Joe Parker?" I asked; shocked.

 "Yeah" He said.    

"Oh my god" I exclaimed.    

"What?" He asked.     

"Joe's ill" I whispered.    

"Umm... Yeah but I thought you knew that already." He said.    

"No, I do know, it's just that I'm sorry." I said; walking out of the theater.    

"Sorry for what?" He asked; curiously.     

"That he's ill" I responded. "He must be really close to you." I said.     

"Yeah... And... Thanks" He said.    

"No problem" I replied.    

"No, not about that-well yeah thanks for your condolence but thanks for saying 'must be' instead of 'must have.'" He said looking down at the floor as we got in the car.    

I was confused for a second until I realized what he was talking about.    

"Again; no problem" I smiled and then he looked up at me and smiled.  

He put the keys in the ignition and drove off.     


The whole car ride back to Drew's house was silent.     

"Thanks" I said and got out of his car to go to my car.    

"Wait!" Drew exclaims.    

I turn around before I get in my car and look at him.    

"I gotta show you something." He smiles and grabs my hand; leading me into his house.      

"What is it?" I asked as he kept dragging me.    

"Just wait" He winked and I just laughed at him.    

After he opened the front door, ran through the house; we finally approached a door and then he opened it.     My eyes widened at the sight in front of me.    

"You have a recording studio and dance studio in your house?" I asked;  shocked.    

"Yeah, cool right?" He asks.    

"Yeah" I said; exploring his studio.     

In this room there was a giant dance studio and then he showed me a room in the dance studio that led to the recording studio.    

"Then if you have your own dance studio; why did you go to that dance studio the the other day?" I asked.    

"Because I had to leave and make an excuse because Ashlee Woods wanted to 'hang out' that night at my house and I didn't want to and she would've came anyways even if I told her I was busy and I didn't feel like being associated with her at the time." He explained.     

I frowned at when he said, 'at the time.'    

"A-and what about now?" I stuttered.    

He turned to me and looked at me sincerely.     

"Still no" He said; walking closer to me.    

"And what about after I leave?" I asked.      

"Still wouldn't want to." He said; about a foot from me.     

"And then what about--" I didn't get to finish my sentence because he planted his lips on mine.    

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