Chapter 13: Cheering Up

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Previously in Chapter 12

“Mom, what’s wrong?” Natalie asks; sounding worried.

No seriously… What’s going on right now?

“Why didn’t you tell me, Maddie?” She asks.

“Tell you what?” I ask.

“Why… Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been contacting your father?” She said.

Oh cr*p. I’m dead.

                                                                    Chapter 13                    

Maddie’s POV

“Mom you went through my stuff?” I asked; trying to change the conversation.

“Don’t even try it, Maddie. Why didn’t you tell me.?” She asks; almost on the verge of tears.

Dammit! I swore in my head.

“Mom, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to hide it from you.” I said.

“Hide what? The fact that my ex-husband started contacting my daughter 10 years later after he abandon us?!” She says; her voice getting a little louder.

“I’m really sorry” I said. I really was sorry.

“Would you keep something like that from me and your sister?” Mom asks.

“Because I didn’t want you guys to get hurt again” I explained.

“That’s a very poor excuse, Maddie.” My mom says.

“But can you at le—”

“I don’t want to hear it, Madeline!” My mom shouted at me; raising her hand for me to stop talking.

“Mom, I sorry” I said; starting to cry.

My mom was rarely angry; and when she was, it wasn’t pretty.

Mom got up from the chair and stormed off to her bedroom and closing the door.

I turned to Natalie and looked at her sympathetically.

“How could you, Maddie?” She shook her head in disappointment; looking at me disapprovingly and then walking upstairs to her bedroom.

I couldn’t help but really guilty right now. I had hidden the fact that my and Natalie’s father, my mother’s ex-husband, the guy who abandoned us 10 years ago contacted me and I never told them about it.

And now they hated me for it.

I started to walk upstairs to my bedroom until my phone vibrated.

I stopped and looked at the text message.

~2644 Oyster Shores Dr., East Hampton, NY 11937

Come to this address by 6. ~ Drew

~Why? But I live in South Hampton – Maddie

~ Sooo? – Drew

~Sooo, that’s like 25 minutes away – Maddie

~Just come – Drew

~Why? – Maddie

~Don’t ask why, just come and no but’s – Drew

Darn. He knew I was going to say ‘but’ before I even said it.

~Ugh fine – Maddie

~Great! See ya! – Drew

~Yeah yeah yeah whatever – Maddie

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