Chapter 6: The first date

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                                                                    Chapter 6

Maddie’s POV

I arrived home from dropping Rachel off. It was about 11:25 in the morning and I had about an hour in half until my ‘date’ with Drew Parker.

“Mom?” I called into the house.

No Answer. She must still be running her errands.

“Nat?” I called into the house.

She must still be at Kayla’s house.

I just shrugged, took my coat off and walked upstairs to my bedroom.


I wrote a note on the fridge saying. “Went out with a friend, be back later. ~Maddie.” And stuck it on the fridge, set the alarm and walked out the door.

I arrived at the Café that was two blocks from the Center at 1:15.

‘Oh Great!’ I thought to myself. ‘I’m fifteen minutes late! Nice way to be late on your first date with Drew Park!’

‘Shut up, Maddie, it’s not a date!’

‘Yeah, okay, you go ahead and believe that.’

‘It’s not!’

‘Mhmm. Whatever.’

‘Goodbye, I have to go on this date right now.’

‘Ha! See! You said date.’

‘Shut up and go away!’

Well that was an interesting mind argument. I thought to myself.

I walked into the Café and looked around for Drew.

He was nowhere in sight.

‘Fewwww’. I relaxed. At least I wasn’t the late one now.

I found an empty booth and sat in it and waited for Drew to arrive.

‘Why did I even agree to this?’ I thought to myself.

‘Because you need something to do with your life.’

‘Really? You again’ I fought. ‘Go away’

‘I can’t because I am you.’

I lightly growled at sat there in boredom.

“Hello, ma’am, may I take your order?” A waitress asked.

“Oh, not yet. I’m waiting for someone.” I responded.

She just nodded and walked away.

Where was he? I thought to myself.

I’ve already been sitting here for 15 minutes and he still hasn’t showed up.

I took out my iPhone and started playing games on it, to pass time.

“Ma’am?” The waitress called.

“Hmmm?”  I looked up at her.

“Is your company arriving soon?” She asked.

“Umm, yes” I responded.

“Okay ma’am” The waitress said and walked away.

I looked around the Café and went back to playing my games.

After getting bored of the games, I looked at the time on my phone.


What the hell are you doing, Maddie? He’s Drew Parker! How could even think that he’d waste 2 hours of his life on you?

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